Monday, December 31, 2007
2007. 11:20 PM

omg, this year is going to end in a couple of mins, feels quite surreal. my year feels chopped up, thanks to the nus calendar. but i must say that im pretty glad that 2007's over(it's been a pretty great year, though not everything was great).

last year was filled with uncertainty, new school, new course and new friends. this year is pretty much different, my year was filled with med med med and med. omg and m1 pros. that freaked the hell out of me for a good while. whether i was going to make it to m2 or not. now, whether im going to make it to m3 or not is freaking the hell out of me again. and i have a microb CA coming up, not exactly the best thing right! hahahaha. but it's not that bad after all as well.

and certain friends became closer and some others not so. but i think it's really good and im really glad that there are some pple who are really heartwarming to be with at the end of the day. the ones who are always there and being really nice, telling me that im not silly or irritatng(which i know i perfectly am).
i promise you guys that i will worry less in the coming year, remember more things im supp to remember, mug harder(i know mat, i can hear you whining at me for not mugging alr), hmmmm, not be late for lectures so much(it's okay, i know i can always join yus at the back when im late! it's fun to sit with her!), hmmm, may more attention to mark taylor and all his practicals(if there are anymore, i wont sleep in the MB lab again, i'll try not to), stop complaining to pple(like shihui, i think you'll change your mobile no soon, and not give the new one to me if i con't whining at this rate), stop saying that the sky will fail, stop eating chicken chop from the sci canteen(i need to watch my cals if i dont wanna die so soon), bring the right notes on the right day(so that lilian doesnt get the chance to write thief peishan on my notes! -.-), stop suanning and being mean to ade(so she doesnt do the same to me), stop posting msn convos on my blog(so that jy will con't telling me weird funny things), stop the whole cupcake thing(so that hp can get some rest and peace), stop making evil comments loudly(so that my friends and i wont get killed somewhere out there), and so many other things!! omg. hahahha.

yeas. this year had 4594350439530539events packed into 365 days, i cant believe so many things can actually happen in a single year. bad things happened, sad things did happen too. but happy things happened as well. though we always remember the bad ones, but it's okay. we'll learn to talk about the good ones more in the brand new year. and things were good while they lasted in 2007. and may the good things con't happening in 2008.

and so happy new year to you all. i've decided to save all my smses and not let singtel have a chance of eating them up. i know some of you are going to read this! so happy new year to all those reading this. and i love you guys! (esp to those who listened to my constant, brainless, senseless whining and nagging and bitching and having to comfort and console me when my grades were bad. hahaha, i bet you guys really wanted to kill me, but didnt have the heart to, so thank you! you guys really really really rock! i know you love me, you know you love me too! )

so guys! have a great new year. i want 2008 to come NOWWWWWWW.

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D