Saturday, December 08, 2007
keep on rockin' 12:47 AM

hmmm CAs ended eons ago, but i didnt get down to blogging much, nor did i upload photos. im l.a.z.y. =x i movie-marathoned, shopped endlessly and ate a lot over the psat 1.5 weeks. because holy shit! more CAs are awaiting us when term starts. so we'll play all we can for the time being!!! =DDDD hahahahs. which makes playing quite tiring sometimes, but it's good tirin' though =D hahahahas.

hahaha. this came from really long ago. the first day that CAs ended. ok, not that long ago, just last monday. but it feels like its been a really long time! hahahaha. and i didnt eat that plate of fatty food! it's zhiyong's and huipei's (ahhh-heemmm.) hahahahas. oh! and we caught enchanted that dayyy! hahahahas. its HILARIOUS. me and mandy were laughing so hard that i guess the kids in front were pissed at us. because we were so so so skeptical about all the fairytale scenes. happily ever and silly singing in the park, hopping around the benches acts. it's so funny that i wont mind watching it again. hahahahas.
and on some other day, i cant remember which, i watched hitman with moses and weiming. hmmm, ok lahh. not a very nice show.(and the 2 idiots tried to trick me into watching 30days of night! irritating pple!!!) but i finally met up with them. and now that cheryl's back from aust, we can meet up mooreee. but apparently, rj's busyyyy =*(((( sighhhsss.

ohhh anat group girls went shopping this week! and me and huipei had some impromptu shopping as well, huipei blew more than 100bucks and i blew around 50bucks on a top alone. okays, i think we suck! hahahahaha. we shld save more and spend less! =x but the next shopping trip wasn't that fruitful. most of us didnt manage to get anything. =xxxx nvm! the company was great! we had a lot of fun sitting around and gossiping and talking and freezing in the fast food restaurant. hahah =DDD and i caught golden compass with shihui at night! my brother had extra tickets to the show so we watched it together! not bad!! tonnes better than hitman -.-. but seriously, it shldnt be rated G. me and shihui were startled at so many scenes when something suddenly popped up from somewhere or furiously charged at something else. and frankly speaking, if i were a kid, i wldn't be really happy to see polar bears in amour and charging at one another in that manner. that's damn sick and scary. but i must say that nicole kidman is really really really hot in the show. omg. =DDD she doesnt look her age and she acts damn well!!! =DDDDD
and i met my pretty girls, beeks and cheryl nah. =D i havent seen my pretty lawyers in a really long time too. adeline was supp to come! but the silly girl went to langkawi already. nvm. and since ade wasn't there for me to attack, i continously attacked beeks and cher throughout the night. hahaha. and they thought that i was going mad, dont worry! everything's under control, jst that the rickshaw and trishaw joke was really quite funny. or at least, i thought it was really funny. =x

i have somemore photos. but the blogger uploading tool is dying on me time and again. will upload those v v v soon =D hahahas. and i think i have some photos stuck on lilian's camera. and i always forget to kope them from her! and yus went off the japan! i wanna go as well. =xxxx

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D