Thursday, January 31, 2008
right or left. 1:32 AM

today! the anatomy group lao-ed yu sheng! at zhenwei's. we settled to meet at 12. at 1130ish, yijing smsed, 'peishan, i just woke up, will be late.' and later, more and more smses and stuff came in and more pple were going to be late. hahaha, so our plan of getting pple to meet at 12ish so that the thing will start at 1ish 2 did work! hahahahas. and before yusheng, we had spizza for lunch! yummilicious! and our yusheng laoing was like disaster in the making. hahahaha. we lao-ed EVERYTHING onto the table and the newspaper. i video-ed it on my camera, ask me for the evidence, it's hilarious, everyone just poured everything onto the papersss. hahahaha and zhenwei was like 'thats what the papers are for, -.-' which was really funny! and we were watching some crappy mtv chnl on nice fab weddings that the rich whites like to have. the bloody wedding cost some 550,000 usd! omg. the groom wasn't v happy. hahahaha. he must have been wondering if he really loved her and if she really loved him(or his money!) and i fell asleep countless times on zhenwei's couch. =x, and i was grabbing onto mandy's bag and sleeping. hahahaha. so mandy tugged her bag to wake me up. which was pretty embarrassing.

oh! and here's the worst part! i left earlier to meet the girls in bugis. and i remember hearing zhenwei telling me to turn right upon reaching the t junction, and so i did. and i walked for miles and miles and realised that there were no train stns. hahahahas. so i frantically started calling everyone in my anat grp and finally got to mandy to pass the phone to zhenwei to get directions. hahahaha i felt so silly, i was supp to turn LEFT upon hitting the t junction, not right. omg. im so silly! and i kept squealing into the phone because i've been covering negative distance for a pretty long way. AND, i gave up and got onto a cab in the end. (im becoming more and more like beeks, which isnt good.)

and! i met the sn girls for shopping and dinnering. we were pretty much unenthu in shopping, bedause the 3 poor girls were lugging laptops around. but i bought a dress! the one that i've been eyeing for quite a while and that made me pretty happy! and we ate pizza hut for dinner. (yes, i ate pizza twice in a day, how unhealthy and fattening, =x) hahaha and we saw a lizard on the other side of the glass and me and beeks were totally terrified! i took so many photos of pretty food today, but im really too tired to find the camera cable!

photos of today and the parties on last sat will be up real soon! =D

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D