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  • credits
    layout: detonatedlove♥
    pictures: ohhspontaneityy
    stocks: _excentric_
    Sunday, April 29, 2007
    tiredness. =( 11:38 PM

    i went shopping with ah seow today. hahaha. ah seow sounds like a wrong name, but i call her that all the time. we went to vivo, and i saw my prettiful f21 dress again. but i didnt get it. i dont want it to rot in my closet again. =((( and i went over to bugis!! i just read zhiyong's blog! he was around bugis area as well! but oh gosh! i didnt see him!! how is that possible??? hahahaha, =(((. so funny. i saw a pretty white cap, but i didnt get it, i guess i'll prob go back for it. need one for my tw trip anw(alright, that's an excuse!) hahaha, shihui asked me, where will you wear a cap to? to sch? nahh, i wont wear one to sch, at least i dont think so. hahaha, i told her tw, and i think she wanted to roll her eyes at me. then i said ZOO! hahahaha, which is totally out of point as well. but wells, i guess i'd just get the cap. it's pretty, and white, with 2 little round buttons. yayy! which is good! yayyy! hahaha. =))) im feeling quite happy at the thought of it now!

    ohhhh! and my phone revived itself while i was complaining about my phone on msn last night! it's totally fine now, no blanking of screens, no self-offing mode, no silliness and irritatingness! so yayy!! im not gonna get a new phone. no need for that anm!!!!

    but now, the sad thing is that my clinic's adding slots for me. so i have to work more. which means less slacking time, but it's good as well. at least, i dont waste too much time rotting away at home. =)))

    twenty, yllsom.
    18sept 87

    unconditional desires.
    java chip. =D
    strawberry chocs.
    watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D