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    layout: detonatedlove♥
    pictures: ohhspontaneityy
    stocks: _excentric_
    Thursday, April 26, 2007
    yawns. yawns. yawnssss. 7:29 PM

    hahaha. i changed my blog skin AGAIN! i love the previous one, but the picture just doesn't show! im so angry, and im too tired to figure out why. so i just found myself a new blogskin. haha, yea. this is quite pretty too, shall stick to this for a while.

    and i started work again today. it's not that tiring nowadays. we've got 2 pple working at any one time slot, so it's pretty relaxing. and i kind of enjoy going back to work these days. makes me feel a little more useful, rather than slacking at home and sleeping till late afternoons. i bet i will wake up at about the same time that i get off work if i were jobless.

    oh, there's a new felicia chin chinese show! seriously, i think she's quite hot. she's got the fashion icon look, so she doesnt really look like one of those chnl 8 actress, in a way, more stylish and prettier. so yayyys =))))

    and i've been planning my tw trip, when my 2 other darlings are still having their exams. we're leaving pretty soon, on 7may. which is the monday after the coming one. so we need a plan on how to move around in tw. peis doesnt know how to read maps, peis doesnt know how to use an entire new metro system. peis doesnt know where she wants to go, but i guess i'd try! it's quite fun, like when we planned the bkk trip. hahaha, and it was worse then. all the places had thai names, and different people had different ways of spelling those places and pronouncing them. hahaha, but we had a chartered cab then, which kind of made things easier. so wells, i guess the trip will be really really fun!!! =DDD

    and my poor phone is nearly dead. so dead that i feel really sad that it's dying. and my salary will probably be depleted by this stupid thing. argh. i cannot access my inbox, the phone blanks out, the phone dies, the phone doesnt respond, the phone is sad. but at least i still can read new incoming smses. so i guess it can hang on for a while. am thinking of getting a dopod. but maybe a dopod is pretty useless to me for now. shall get a cheap and pretty phone. i think prettiness is what matters now, at least. hahaha. =)))

    twenty, yllsom.
    18sept 87

    unconditional desires.
    java chip. =D
    strawberry chocs.
    watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D