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    layout: detonatedlove♥
    pictures: ohhspontaneityy
    stocks: _excentric_
    Sunday, October 22, 2006
    2:53 AM

    wheeeee, im tired. hmmmm. went out for og outing. or so called og outing. everyone was supposed to turn up, okay? but more than half the pple played us out and we only had 7 pple at dinner =(((( we went to american's club for dinner! hahass. 4 of us had salad bar buffet and the other 3 had the full buffet. the full buffet didnt seem that nice since peis doesnt like beef that much. haha =))) the dessert's really good though. hahas. there's choc layer cake, and my apple strudel!!!!! havent eaten it in ages, but i still prefer the one at 6th ave. i'm so tempted to go there soon to get somemore apple strudel. it's a happy factor =))) , esp when school work's drowning me. = that reminds me that mugging sucks! and i didnt really do what i had to do today. =((( and dinner was quite funny. haha. shermyn and i realised that the tiles were really slippery and we shld really watch our steps. it'd be totally embarrassing if we slip and fly away with our plates full of food. hahahass. esp when peis is so so so clumsy. hahahass. and over dinner, we started adding salt, pepper, sugar and equal sweetners into each other's drinks. we added tonnes and tonnes of salts into ding's cup. like 20clicks of salt into it and half a pack of equal. and he didnt realise. and happily drink 3/4 of the cup away till we told him. hahahas. we seriously think that he's hypertensive. cant even taste the salt in it!!! hahahas. and kenneth!!! i add half a pack of sugar into his water and he didnt either. until me and lilian burst into giggles after he drank half a glass of water. hahahsss. =)))))

    and after dinner, we went over to harry's at the esplanade for drinks =))) which was quite nice. having some time to sit down and chill with the og pple. talking about stuff, gossips and anything that's not quite med-knowledge related. it's nice =))) no stress about anat, biochem or physio. hahahsss. the books shall take a rest for tonight =)) yayyyss. hahasss. chilling out on a sat night isnt that bad actually. it's quite fun =)))) just that harry's a lil' smoky, not to mention the silly haze as well. let's hope that the haze goes away really soon =))) i'd be real glad about that. =))) and yayysss. sunday's here too!! =))) sundays are one of the nicest days ard =)))

    to jiayan!!: heyy my dear!! i wished i was as happy as i sounded, because sch work's really really drowning me!!! and there are tonnes and tonnes of things i need to settle and clear!! holidays are good for us and we shld have more of them!! that will make peis even happier. i'm sure j will be really happier too! in the meantime, while waiting for the hols, i shall make myself happier with icecream and choc. =))) peis love j!

    twenty, yllsom.
    18sept 87

    unconditional desires.
    java chip. =D
    strawberry chocs.
    watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D