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    layout: detonatedlove♥
    pictures: ohhspontaneityy
    stocks: _excentric_
    Sunday, October 08, 2006
    1:38 AM

    hmmmm. and so, i still went for maf! =))) met my 2 pretty s74 girls!!!! amanda and jovina!!! =)))) hohoho. i miss them so much! esp jovina!! like she said, i so long nv play with you alr!!. yeaaaa. havent seen her in such a long long long long long time. hahaass. miss mia! hahass. my dearest jovina, your handphone's pretty useless. just throw it away. hahahss. that's what me and amanda concluded. =))) and i saw laura!! hahass. and geriho. and ruishan, meili, amandalim, qianyi!!!, and so so so many pple that i havent seen in the longest time ever. hahasss. yayyss. =)))

    hahahass. and a funny thing happened. we were trying to take photos in a ulu part of the sch, using self-timer. and apparently, self-timer wasnt really working. the photos turned out weird. like really bright and gross. hahass. so we saw someone approaching in the dark. so amanda and i shouted, excuse me. can you help us take a photo?. haha. so the person naturally said yes. then we were like, ehhh. he looks quite familiar. and i was like. isnt he that mr koh!!! the one that we geked during our first 3 mths??? hahahs. and the 2 girls were like ohhhh yahhh. hahass. and we were like quite paiseh. and we asked. do you remember us??? you taught us in first 3 mths you know!! hahass. and he actually did!!! oh my. i think we were so naughty and irritating that he actually remembered us. oh my gosh. hahahass. we were totally embarrassing!! =xxx haha but it was funnnn. =))), amanda and jovina went over to the kap macs to get some food after maf. and we sat down and talked for quite a while =)) it was really nice to be able to catch up with old friends. and it's really amazing how we still managed to stay this close even though we were only classmates for 3 months. =)))) yayyss. hohoho. and we realised that it was alr like 11plus. and everyone was alr leaving macs. and so we had to leave as well. wells, we should really meet up for shopping soon! hahass. =))))

    hahahas. maf's a happy thing! =)) oopss. rockey and kaihui got cropped off from the collage. i'm sorry. dont box me =x

    twenty, yllsom.
    18sept 87

    unconditional desires.
    java chip. =D
    strawberry chocs.
    watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D