Sunday, April 27, 2008
so durian, so happy! 1:24 PM

yayys, this is the season to grow fat. here i come, TAF club. hahahahas. clinics make you think you've been using a lot of energy, hence, you can eat a lot! but that's wrong, very wrong. :(

but it's okay! durian puffs are damn good ((: worth every bit of calories! ((:

Saturday, April 26, 2008
lazy bugs. 8:46 PM

hmmm i think i really have to chase those lazy bugs off me. im like LAZY, period. i slept more than half my saturday and spent the other half of it prancing around the house and talking to my mom. nvm, talley o'connor can wait (:

oh! changed my blogskin, finally. i really liked the prev one too, but time for a change! this feels spring-ish and happy! so, yayys! (((:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
yawns YAWNS sleepy. 10:55 PM

i think i overslept for the past 2 days, okays, a v sinful thing to do, but i think i did. i feel tired despite sleeping many many many hours. and i just sleep more and more after that. doesnt really sound coherent to be speaking like that too. i need to sleep properly, i.e. proper hours and proper sleep.

okays. that aside, i must say that we havent been doing much in clinics, pretty much floating around at our own time own target, self convinced that we're doing something right. so, not quite right already.

but i guess, over time, we do see the human touch to medicine. the side of this science that the textbook can never quite show us. (cliche as this sounds, it's true). there's always many ways to put this across, some patients feel that why did i have to go through this, is this some test that god has given me, whereas some will feel that it's god's love that i managed to pull through illnesses time and again, and some almighty up there has been taking care of me all these while i was sick. and you actually hear pple telling you how their lives were, how they have been. i guess we always knew that that side of medicine existed, but we never really bothered, just mug your ass off and you're fine for pros. and i guess csfc is really the time when all these matters (whether you wanna pass csfc or not, it still does, you need it to pass anw). i guess sometimes, history taking is really dry and boring and repetitive if that's all you've been doing for a week or so, but sometimes, maybe it's time to put your pen down and stop furiously scribbling down how many years this guy there has been having hypertension for and what meds is he on to take care of it. just lend him a listening ear, he might have more to say about himself than hypertension.

but oh well, at times, we really just wanna clerk our patients and get ourselves going and doing other stuff than really to listen properly and not just fish out 'useful' info. that's kind of the way it goes sometimes.

Monday, April 21, 2008
tribeLOVIN' 11:30 PM

okay, was angry, really angry just now. really really really angry just now. i got insulted by some gp for nothing, okay, that shld be the end of it, but other pple actually found it funny, esp girls, i dont know what to say. so whatever. at least there are sn girls (but jy went back a couple of mins ago).

so before that we thai-expressed!
and like cheryl said, we went candy hunting, hair-tie hunting and hahahahaha, having a longer than usual laugh at yikee and beewen who went to m'sia to study because they were feeling too tired, according to psy undergrads okays! totally reliable. and everyone's like errrrmmm at my 'hairy' soft shell crab. ewwwwwwwwww. and and and!! adeline's bag really weigh like a boulder!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008
stolen. 4:12 PM

okays. and this is stolen from gwen's blog, look at the calla liliesssss. how pretty are theyyyyy (((: and i've received your pretty postcard already! (((: thank youuuu so much!!! and enjoy taipei! come home soon!! ((((: bring calla lilies along (:

cruise control. 4:02 PM

you know, sometimes it's weird, you walk up to a patient, appear calm, act calm, try and be calm and talk calm to your patient, when you're actually kind of freaking inside. you dont quite know what to start with, what to ask next, when to interrupt and what exactly to say. haha, maybe that's how it's supposed to work initially.

and oh! i realised, i really kind of missed the bunch that i usually see in school. i was supposed to call the girls(yes, i included zhiyong as part of the girls) to ask if they wanted a copy of something that i've got from yus. in the end, i ended up chatting with yus and huipei for quite a while over the phone, talking about mindless stuff that happened during clinicals, and just catching up. it's only been a weeeeekkk, and it feels weird not seeing them like we used to when we were back in school. and i actually met mandy late at night at toapayoh central. but that babe is too caught up in her own little world, right honey? she only saw me when i was like 2metres away from her (((: hahahahas. enjoying yourself huhh? ((((:

also, CAMP! have you heard of camp? its actually community addiction management programme. i think cher and i should check ourselves into the programm real soon if we dont curb our shopping pretty soon(be it online or not). we ermmm, overshop everywhere anywhere anytime. and cher! it's kind of bad huhhh. our pockets are running dry. we need to try and tie our fingers together. =x and throw our cards away. hahaha and the ibanking device, you shld keep mine and i'll keep yours!

okay, this post is sull of random topics. doesnt matter, it's saturday anw! no labcoats, no clerking! (((:

Friday, April 18, 2008
hello world! 12:42 AM

i think i've been missing for a good while.

okay, im really really tired. i think we're all tired. and it's weird not to see our friends everyday anymore. i havent seen so many pple in quite a while! hahahah. it's real weird. nvm, i'd get to see most of the anat grp girls tmr! (: since we're all on comm skills course tmr. (((:

oooohhh. clinics is tiring, i wonder why does the nuh liftdoor close so darn closely all the time. the liftrides take darn long, and that's why our tutors much prefer the stairs. (soon, we will too.) but stairs are like ewwww, they're tiring and accident prone. clinics are fun, but not really fun. exciting, but not really exciting at the same time. you get what i mean. and i wanna sleep, i slept like 10-12 hours/day during pros, and now, i sleep a fraction of that. that's like disgusting, half the time, i dont get what you're trying to say to me early in the morning, because im wayyyyy to sleepy.

and! im supposed to upload photos, i have tonnes of them to upload. but really, i'd do it over the weekend! i hope! when i'm done with sleeping (:

Thursday, April 03, 2008
tudou-ing. 8:01 AM

hahahahaha, i crunchy roll-ed. and then, tudou-ed till now! 8am in the morning. hahahaha, and yijing was playing mahjong online (i think) till not too long ago as well, i think we're mad. =x but this is funnnnnn. (:

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
st nicks lovin'! 2:57 AM

omggg. now that pros ended and im using facebook endlessly again, i see how many pple have gone back for sn funfair!!! :((( am SADDDD. JIAYANNNN, ADELINE, WE SHLD HAVE GONEEEE BACK. omgggg. i think we need more sn loving, orange bowl loving, blue bowl loving, curry potato rice loving, family lounge loving, ice tea loving, and much much much mooooree sn loving!!! omg, and my rou yuan mian xian! and ham and cheese toast! hahaha, and the zooland guess the animal and you get to eat it game that we used to play. do you think they have gotten rid of the 4unity painting on our old classroom? okays, it's not the nicest class wall painted, but it's 4u!! hahaahaahas. we must go back soon okays. we need our sn fix. before sn is gone :(

and, i think im so tired that im not tired anymore. i slept for like very few hours last night. but im not going to bed yet, i dont know why. =x

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D