Thursday, March 27, 2008
you know you love. 3:08 AM

hahahahaha. if you're thinking that the phone belongs to one of the 3 girls, im sorry, the phone belongs to andy. we totally terrorised his phone at joel's party. but it's a cool photo isnt it! (: i will upload the rest of the photos from joel's party onto facebook soon i guess! (and, andy lee, dont you dare to change your wallpaper. we'll be checking! hahahaa)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
this has never happened before. 7:36 PM

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i'm very sure
this has never happened to me before
i met you and now im sure
this never happened before
now i see
this is the way it's supposed to be
i met you
and now i see
this is the way it should be

paul mccartney - this has never happened before

oooohhhh, hahaha so lake house (: so happy (((:

barter trade. 4:16 AM

hmmmmm. we're one week from pros, and this is kind of scary. everyone wants to kill their notes, tear up their books, or burn their notes, dissolve it in a glass of water, drink it up and hope that they remember whatever they drank. (please dont do that and get diarrhea, not wise, , not worth it either (((: )

and, someone was saying, haiyer, we're all mugging so hard, it's like we've got no life. all our friends think we have no life too. hmmm i think that's a little true, or rather, quite true. but since we've chosen this, what can we say. =x maybe it's something like barter trade. we give something and we take something else back in exchange of it. we've lost, and we've gained. and it's only up to us to decide if it's worth it at the end of the day. no one else can quite decide if it's worth it, and no one else needs to know if it is.

but anyhows! i'm glad that the shithead who played us out for the ong weiyi CAs didnt succeed in ruining the pros review! save us a hell lot of time! and mug hard everyone (:

Monday, March 24, 2008
the rush is never ending. 6:41 PM

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hahaha, this is like a cant get you out of my head type of song, you either hate it or love it. hahahha. i kind of like it! for now at least. (cant get you out of my head is irritating after a while).

Thursday, March 20, 2008
omg. 3:35 PM

hmmm i just woke up from one of the most terrible horrible dream ever. the dream wasnt exactly very scary, but i thought i was only crying in my dreams, but i woke up crying. (i dont know why, but that freaked me out quite a bit.)

obviously these couple of days have been pretty terrible, but it'll be okay. (:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
encraphalitis 1:50 AM

hahaahaha, we were talking about our favouritest prof and what if he chooses to kill us all with his nicest review on earth (esp after some shitty character went to complain to the DO)

.MAt -O.F - ole~ :make sure u slap him first
.MAt -O.F - ole~ :but u will hve to compete with 255 ppl
.MAt -O.F - ole~ :minus the idiot who tried to play us out
peis.: yea
peis.: thats why
peis.: that shithead i tell you
peis.: i wonder if shit is gorged up in his brains
.MAt -O.F - ole~ :encraphalitis
peis.:hahaha! thats v funny
peis.: did you just think of that?

hahahahaha. that's how the word encraphalitis got invented, mathew, you're really quite funny this time round. hahahaha.

Monday, March 17, 2008
wheeeeeeeee. 6:09 PM

i think we all need some hunny lovin'!!! <3 <3 <3. i dont know where that came from, but i just had to say it, i think it's the coke light, it makes pple high, esp mugging people.

hahahaha and lilian smsed at 11ish asking if we were all in school mugging, and i replied her at 2ish that i wasnt in school and i didnt have the heart (nor the guts) to tell her that i barely got out of bed, i think im TERRIBLE. hahahaha, well, i shall try waking up early by other means, the hp alarm obviously doesnt work well for me. im such a sleepy head. =x

oh, and on a sidenote, things that are quite worrying got settled! so yayys! peacefully, somemore! so yayys (((:

Saturday, March 15, 2008
crown of love. 10:45 PM

little ms ng huimins gave me this link a couple of weeks or months ago. hohohoh, and i must say that most of the magazine articles there have really really pretty photos! i like these a lot a lot!!

omg! polkadot leggings can be this hot too!!

and, look what else i found online!

awww, so gorgeous righttttt! (:

oh! and we ate yummilicious korean food today, hmmm, personally, i dont enjoy korean food that much, but the bday girls kind of like korean cuisine. so (: we chose a korean restaurant! hahahas. shihui and jasumina and peishan found that the yummiest dish was actually the fried dumplings (because they actually taste like chinese food, which actually kind of defeats the purpose right.) and kimchi's really not my thing. it's spicy, sour and hmmm, made of grassy vegetables! =x eeeewws. will upload photos soon! am too lazy for now. =x

and happy bday to char! (the girl who's too busy to have a bday meal with me and lala) and to yvonnmina! and yiyun!!! (((:

Friday, March 14, 2008
abraham's promise. 11:51 PM

hmmmm, i suddenly thought of this novel, that i used as literature text back in secondary school. i dont recall the story anymore, but i vaguely remember that there's abraham, his wife rani, and his good friend krishna, and there's something about his son, i cant remember his name now. and the story was set in singapore. something that shld be so familiar but yet so unfamiliar then. and all i can remember is that abraham's life never seemed quite like what he wants and he was never a happy old man.

hmmm well, maybe it's true. none of us really get what we want in our lives. it's always something that's missing somewhere. and we often go in rounds doing things in a certain way to get what we want or we think we want or we think will turn out great. but that doesn't always happen, we seldom get what we want at the end of the day. and even when we do, it doesnt seem as great as it should be anymore. or what's worse, we never get to whereever we wanted to get to, and things we wanted. and we get lost and disappointed along the way, and only growing to learn that life isn't always easy. but maybe that's what makes us stronger at the end of the day. those things that we had always wanted but never gotten are things that aren't that great after all (it could actually be a blessing in disguise) and maybe one day, there's something way better at the end of the road, waiting for us. (:

Thursday, March 13, 2008
hello, <3! 1:41 AM

hahahahaha, brilliantly, post CAs are always full of fun ((((:

we drank,
we mahjonged,
we shopped,
we got high,
and we played tonnes.

so here are the photos!

ohhh, anat group lunch! we didnt take photos of ourselves, but i did snap some photos of the food we ate! that's hmmm, huipei/bingcheng/zhiyong and hahahaha, huipei's earl grey at coffee bean!
and ta-dah! cafe iguana!! after the failure to conquest the nice place with cheryl before she left, i finally went there! hahahaha (((: it's really nice! that's us! hahahaha, ttt trying to be jealous that lil has a really huge drink, yummie nachos and lyd and me with the hugeee drink. i still dont think it tastes peach!
hahahaha. this is toilet photowhoring, once again. (while lilian was in the loo)
us us us!! ((((: i dont really like the flash though.
(: this is us again! hahaha, and lydia and i coincidentally wore black and white dresses! (((:
and yes, shihui and i cam-whored after being irritated with the 'late-night' shopping in town. apparently, it's only in wisma. :((( and we were trapped in taka for a while. hahahaha. such noobs. okay, i didnt just call myself a noob!
hmmmmm, i dont know why we did this, but im pretty sure it's my silly idea. =x
oh boy! look at the pretty black bowsss ((((: love!

oh! this is from EONS ago. when we were still lao-ing yusheng and singing kbox at nuss guild house(courtesy of lil's mom!) hahahaha.
and YES!! look at my new friend, ok, he was from my taipei trip, not that new, and i took this photo during the prev systemic patho CAs, but isnt he cute! hahaha. say hi! ((((:

alrights, seems like it's back to mugging season! 'we will prevail' hahahah, as mat always says! we will!

Saturday, March 08, 2008
the blue book. 11:40 PM

christmas was many many many weeks ago. and i dont get many christmas gifts. dont buy much of them either. and i received a book last christmas. and i read it over once. and kept it aside.

and tonight, somehow, i took it out again. and started to read it, but this time round. i didnt finish reading the book. i guess i already know the ending of the book, so there was no urge to wanna finish it again. and this time round, i think i will keep this book away for good, and not read it again, no one likes a book with a bad ending.

the book taught us that the world isn't v kind to its people always, and we don't always get what we want and what we like. and that's the way it is. and things do end, feelings do disappear. it's sad but that's the way it is. and we'll learn that no one loves anyone else more than themselves and care for anyone else more than themselves. but that's alright, because that's the way life is. you can always choose to think otherwise, to believe for the better, to feel that everything else will be perfect in its own way, but maybe somehow, that's never quite the truth after a good long while.

and it was a nice christmas present. but christmas is long over, just like 2007 is.

sudden high, new low. 2:23 AM

bid goodbye to the 13, THIRTEEN CAs of M2.
i hope it's goodbye, i want it to be goodbye.
thats the high that we're getting at 2.24am.

now. meet the new low.
someone just told me that 'you know arh, a lot to study eh. when are you going to start arh'
this is the new low.
i realised, there's a lot also.
'and today arh, a lot of tikam leh, must make it for it with pros.'
i know that too.
that's the new LOW.

but cafe iguana was fun today!!! (((((:

Saturday, March 01, 2008
judging. 10:56 PM

Ellen Pompeo (Dr. Meredith Grey): I did not try to drown myself in the bathtub.
Katherine Heigl (Dr. Izzie Stevens): Hey. I ate everything out of the refrigerator last night, everything, including a tub of butter. There's no judgement here.

okays. i was mugging mugging mugging (or atttempting to mug, attempting to mug, attempting to mug) and i thought of this quote from grey's all of a sudden. this reminds me of how we try not to judge other people's actions, esp when we know we're doing quite the same kind of shit as they are. but it's so damn easy to point fingers at them and say shitty things sometimes. it's sad and weird.

and you know, at some other times, when people start doing and saying the sort of stuff they shouldn't be doing or saying(things that you dont quite agree with as well), it's terrible, disgusting and sad. and it sucks more when you know them so well and you can't tell them straight in their faces how much you hate whatever they're doing, and how they can be such shitheads at times.

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D