Thursday, January 31, 2008
right or left. 1:32 AM

today! the anatomy group lao-ed yu sheng! at zhenwei's. we settled to meet at 12. at 1130ish, yijing smsed, 'peishan, i just woke up, will be late.' and later, more and more smses and stuff came in and more pple were going to be late. hahaha, so our plan of getting pple to meet at 12ish so that the thing will start at 1ish 2 did work! hahahahas. and before yusheng, we had spizza for lunch! yummilicious! and our yusheng laoing was like disaster in the making. hahahaha. we lao-ed EVERYTHING onto the table and the newspaper. i video-ed it on my camera, ask me for the evidence, it's hilarious, everyone just poured everything onto the papersss. hahahaha and zhenwei was like 'thats what the papers are for, -.-' which was really funny! and we were watching some crappy mtv chnl on nice fab weddings that the rich whites like to have. the bloody wedding cost some 550,000 usd! omg. the groom wasn't v happy. hahahaha. he must have been wondering if he really loved her and if she really loved him(or his money!) and i fell asleep countless times on zhenwei's couch. =x, and i was grabbing onto mandy's bag and sleeping. hahahaha. so mandy tugged her bag to wake me up. which was pretty embarrassing.

oh! and here's the worst part! i left earlier to meet the girls in bugis. and i remember hearing zhenwei telling me to turn right upon reaching the t junction, and so i did. and i walked for miles and miles and realised that there were no train stns. hahahahas. so i frantically started calling everyone in my anat grp and finally got to mandy to pass the phone to zhenwei to get directions. hahahaha i felt so silly, i was supp to turn LEFT upon hitting the t junction, not right. omg. im so silly! and i kept squealing into the phone because i've been covering negative distance for a pretty long way. AND, i gave up and got onto a cab in the end. (im becoming more and more like beeks, which isnt good.)

and! i met the sn girls for shopping and dinnering. we were pretty much unenthu in shopping, bedause the 3 poor girls were lugging laptops around. but i bought a dress! the one that i've been eyeing for quite a while and that made me pretty happy! and we ate pizza hut for dinner. (yes, i ate pizza twice in a day, how unhealthy and fattening, =x) hahaha and we saw a lizard on the other side of the glass and me and beeks were totally terrified! i took so many photos of pretty food today, but im really too tired to find the camera cable!

photos of today and the parties on last sat will be up real soon! =D

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
gimme more. 1:41 AM

ooohh. the weekend was pretty much a blast! met up with most of my nj classmates over 2 parties!! okay, the first one was more like a get-together gathering and we got really high. (and im still going to murder jasmine for making me walk miles and miles and miles. it was like an urban hike to look for mind cafe at boat quay!). hahahaha. we alighted at clarke quay and walked in rounds before we got to boat quay. hahaha. i think it's a girl's thing to have really bad directions. and both yvonne and i were v close to kill jasumina. like omg, some pre-activity warmup. hahahaha, but mind cafe was really high! and we made a lot a lot a lot of noise, after we kept quiet for a while, we realised that we were the only silly table making a hell lot of noise! and yvonne! that silly girl cheats for every game! and ends up winning them half the time! it's hilarious! and of course it was to celebrate anqi's bday! im so tired and all the photos are in my camera! will upload them really really soon!

and the second one was xueli's party. and this one, weiming took us cruising all over singapore in search for cheryl's place(this wasn't that bad yet) and cruising all over town(in search of timbre, being confused over timbre and timbre2.) hahahahas. and each time angela and i went OMGGG, weiming will think that he's about to crash, but no, we're actually exclaiming over the songs on the radio. hahahah and i think i nearly spoilt his radio by changing the stations umpteen times. hahahahas, please dont send the repair bills to me. =p will upload the photos from xueli's party soon as well! =DDD

oh, and i heard this song over my ipod this evening when i was on my way home.

Get this widget Track details eSnips Social DNA

i didnt quite remember having this song on my playlist, but it came out when i set my playlist on shuffle. been a while since i heard this song. but i kind of liked it and repeated it for a few rounds.

please remember

i was there for you and you were there for me.

please remember

our time together

the time was yours and mine

and we were wild and free

and remember

please remember, me.

and how we laugh and how we smile

and how this world was yours and mine

and how no dream was out of reach

i stood by you, you stood by me

we took each day and made it shine

we wrote our names across the skies.

we ride so fast, we ride so free.

i had you and you had me.

please remember.

it's a pretty song! i think it came from the coyote ugly ost! and thats how i first heard leann rimes! <3!>

Sunday, January 27, 2008
ever ever after. 1:08 PM

omg! i havent seen this mtv before, though enchanted's long over. =p <3 her hair and her dress! (but gisele's a lot prettier though!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
hmmmmm. 11:52 AM

yday, we had a 'cheat/hint' lecture for patho CAs by the git lecturer. (she is super hilarious, there's like a pun or something sarcastic about what she says in every line or two.) which i cant say is really helpful, we dont know what she was hinting at. so we have problems figuring out what not to mug. (and deb wong is really really really trying to tell me now that it's useless to study liver/pancreas entirely.) pardon me for my hum-cheeness, but it's really scary to leave out 1-1.5 system entirely in peace. =x and tzetong really didnt have anything to copy down from that cheat lecture and i caught him writing down, 'dont write long stories.' after the lecturer said something like, 'when we ask you to list, you list. dont write down long stories.' hmmm, ttt, dont we kind of know that already? it's kind of a point to note mentally, not on paper, hahahahaha but it was kind of entertaining. =D

oh! and there was the last of med-law challenge-debate. where the doctors challenged the lawyers with this house believes that it's dangerous to pay lawyers more the doctors. was quite an interesting debate to watch. hahahaha, huipei was so agitated by the end of the debate that she looked like she was ready to wave some punches at the opposition, me and yus were simply too tired after spending the entire day in school and chatting and playing(instead of mugging) at coffeegrounds. yeas. and that delayed ALL of our study progresses for patho. ahahahaha and huipei has decided never to mug with peis again and yus is too nice to say anything of that sort!
and it'll be weird if the doctors trash the lawyers completely in debate, =p. so they won. but!! lifeng won best speaker! ;) she spoke really well!!!! and at the end of it all, we still won the med-law challenge! yayys!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
10:58 PM

Get this widget Track details eSnips Social DNA

this is a nice song, somehow, its a nice song for the night. ;)

Monday, January 21, 2008
FOOD BLOG! (this shows that mommy cooks real well!) 3:18 PM

hahahaas. its mugging season, hence weird photo taking.

well. only weird pple take photos of their own dinner dishes at home, so im weird. hahahas. but they're so pretty, it's hard to resist. she created some minced meat with crab stuffed into crab shells! which looks really pretty and taste really good. curry chicken and chicken chop with some really yummy sauce. (no, i didnt eat all of them at one go.)
AND! tis the season to PINEAPPLE TARTS!
the uncooked ones! they look good enough to eat already! ;)

ta-dah! the baked ones! ;)))) they taste as good as they look!

hahahaha, and now, the burning question, how come peishan's mom bakes and cooks this well, and peishan turned out to be like that. well, i wanna know either. (and in case you thought that the defective gene of bad baking and cooking's from my dad, not really, he cooks as well as my mom does). so no one knows where those defective genes for clumsiness, bad cooking and baking skills come from, maybe it's just an anomaly. =p

Saturday, January 19, 2008
you probably don't have to. 2:53 AM

hmmm, i mugged v little, which isn't good, because it'll spill over to tmr's work. but well, as some pple always say, i worry too much. i think im not worrying too much since patho is on friday, but i shall taken it that im worrying too much, makes me feel better on a really really early saturday morning =D (friday's over! ((((: )

yea, and i was telling some of the pple ard, most pple arent taking the patho CAs too harshly on themselves (as compared to microB CAs or some other crappy CAs that we already had for M2). we're semi having we must mug hard enough attitude and semi having the there's just simply too much and it really doesnt matter if we cannot finish attitude. so its pretty okay, we're taking things in our stride and that's good.

BUT! im going to complain! i think it's quite irritating when some pple go, 'haiyer, med, so easy, pass can already, you dont even need to maintain a CAP, pass mahh, very easy one.' seriously, im this close to rolling my eyes at you and punching your face. and some other pple go, 'huhh, you holidays also must study arh, so mugger one' and then go, 'what? one test only?? not exams? why you study so hard. chey, i thought you have a lot of papers lehhh.' or even worse, 'hahahaha, another test again?? oh anw, i heard that you all start earlier than the rest of nus for 1 week.' or like, 'nvm lahh, 5 chapters only, so little, surely can finish one', and go hahahahahaa. seriously, i think ALL of the med students are getting some degree of this from our friends, not all of our friends, but some of them. it's either that they're really simply to free with no other crap in their lives to do but to suan us, or they find it really funny how hard we can mug(but it's not freaking funny at all), or they are just simply insensitive, simply irritating, or have nothing better to start a conversation with. well, if those pple really have nothing better to do, i think they should go learn some EQ and PR skills before taking to ANYONE AT ALL, or just lock themselves up to prevent themselves from being pests. and better still, if you're that freaking free, read some medical text man, and we'll try some true-false, if you pass the question, no rewards(we dont get any for passing) and if you fail it, i'll just kick you. and we'll see what's negative marking and hence, how hard we are mugging.
to be fair, most of my friends aren't like that though. but there are simply some of them, who are like ARGH! and i hope that those pple get eggshells in their omelette, worms in their fruits, bacillus cereus in their fried rice or vibrios parahemolytics in their oysters. =p

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
<3! 4:57 PM

hahahas. and so, with a collection of 3 designs, i sold off 2 of them already! YAYYS! the bracelet and the oriental love earrings! apparently, everyone thinks that oriental love's not too bad. (maybe it's the chinese new year that's coming. that's why!) i <3 the birdie pair! and i think i'll keep it for myself pretty soon if no one buys it. hahahahs. as manda said, peis is v inclined to making those stuff and ending up not selling them and keeping them all for herself! hahah EH! that's not true okays! (i hope not).

and i made a few more. but the photos are pretty poorly taken. i think they're ugly photos. so i decided not to upload the photos of the collages onto my blog. but i edited one of them to look like this. i kind of like the effect of the photo but it doesnt really show how the earrings really look like!

nvm, i shall take nicer photos after patho CAs end, and make them into the collages.

and patho, i think im so screwed for it! im reading like really really really slowly, and i cant remember most of those stuff, and im VERY sure i have plenty of missing notes (esp for liver and pancreas.) someone, please tell me how many sets of notes are there for these 2 chapters. *frowns*.

Sunday, January 13, 2008
i'm doing this for. 7:29 PM

okaysss. our chilling time's over. breaktime's over. =

and over the few days, i shopped and shopped and shopped, i combed far east and wisma many times, till i think i remember what those shops sell already. hahahahas. but it's kind of fun, you know. to shop and tv and sleep in a real guilt free way! hahahahas. and i bought a couple of things. not really a lot, just a few, but i decided to get some stuff that i didnt get when i was out shopping. (im still thinking of them) hahahahas. and i met! adeline! hahaha beeks! and many other pple and it was nice seeing them and being away from med(though med just started).

and i watched avp2. hmmmm its kind of freaky! like 28 weeks later! things pop out everywhere and pple get eaten up and disintegrate into nothing with that blue-ish liquid, omgggg. and the sound effects are pretty freaky too, but the girl's quite hot, the guys aren't v cute though. =x

and, and, grey's ended. (according to damian's blog, it did.) and like i've always said, grey's like human life magnified in the bad way. which is totally true. so sad but so realistic. most of the couples actually went their separate ways. izzie is still my girl, and george, not that much of my man anymore. he's like using the girls to find the real him, and not loving them, he! wasn't v nice to izzie, he sucks! =ppppp dislike him already. izzie is still the girl with the pretty face but the miserable life. =x

hohohoho and over the the last few days! i finally got myself to do whatever i wnated to do. make accessories. and attempt to sell them! hahahas, i've made a few. bought lots and lots of materials, but ran out of gold chain, so this is what i did.

and jiayan made me really happy by wanting the pair of oriental love! <3!! href="">! if you think they're fugly, please tell me okays! and if you love them, tell me as well! and since patho's coming right up, it'll be a while till i make a couple of sets of accessories to launch the next collection!

Saturday, January 05, 2008
i think. 7:47 PM

i think microb is driving me hell nuts. those freaking bacts and antibiotics. what the *.

and i was thinking about many things (with my notes in my hand, i was supposed to be reading them). i was thinking why do i always take such long periods of times to make certain decisions and kind of go to and fro about them for a couple of times before really really deciding and doubting my decision and going back and forth again.

it tires me and the people ard me as well. i think half of the people are tired of hearing me switch back and forth in my decision making and telling them my new decisions every once in a while. and each time, i'll try and reason out what i do, and the more i flip back and forth, the more the reasons sound like excuses. maybe most of them are excuses anyway.

and maybe it's just that some things are hard to give up, though you know you have to, because it's not right to do some things in certain ways. but it's so tough to get your mind fixed on the hard side, accept it and tell someone else the bad decision that you've made and make the next person suffer along with it as well. and im sure i'll get someone hating me for that. it's so just terribly evil and it makes me feel that karma exists and what goes around will come around somehow.

but some decisions have to be made somehow, i'm sure we'll all forget about this part of our lives and these terrible decisions at some point of time.

just like what jy has always told me, peishan, when we look at our lives 10years later, we'll be laughing at how we were 10 years back. yeas. maybe 10 years later, we'll be laughing at ourselves and we'll forget what tough choices we had back then.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
this is a sign. 3:20 PM

my f21 browsers arent loading, half of them say image coming soon, this is a sign. that i shld close all my IE windows and go back to my notes! hahahahas. there's something wrong with my modem these days, the pages dont really load well anymore.

okays, anyway!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! i hope we all had a brilliannnnnntt new year's eve and brillliaannnntt new year day! time to make your resolutions. i kind of made mine in that bizarre, weird and messy post before this one! and the most important one on the list: STUDY HARD! hahahhas.

okays. and 2008 has to be better than 2007, alright! it's gonna be so good that you dont want it to end! (i hope!) hahahaas. so enjoy the brilliant new year!

anw, i cant wait for cny to come, it's the good food, the nice angpows and the shopping for clothes season! hahaha, but the angpows shld come first, with the pineapple tarts too! =D

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D