Monday, December 31, 2007
2007. 11:20 PM

omg, this year is going to end in a couple of mins, feels quite surreal. my year feels chopped up, thanks to the nus calendar. but i must say that im pretty glad that 2007's over(it's been a pretty great year, though not everything was great).

last year was filled with uncertainty, new school, new course and new friends. this year is pretty much different, my year was filled with med med med and med. omg and m1 pros. that freaked the hell out of me for a good while. whether i was going to make it to m2 or not. now, whether im going to make it to m3 or not is freaking the hell out of me again. and i have a microb CA coming up, not exactly the best thing right! hahahaha. but it's not that bad after all as well.

and certain friends became closer and some others not so. but i think it's really good and im really glad that there are some pple who are really heartwarming to be with at the end of the day. the ones who are always there and being really nice, telling me that im not silly or irritatng(which i know i perfectly am).
i promise you guys that i will worry less in the coming year, remember more things im supp to remember, mug harder(i know mat, i can hear you whining at me for not mugging alr), hmmmm, not be late for lectures so much(it's okay, i know i can always join yus at the back when im late! it's fun to sit with her!), hmmm, may more attention to mark taylor and all his practicals(if there are anymore, i wont sleep in the MB lab again, i'll try not to), stop complaining to pple(like shihui, i think you'll change your mobile no soon, and not give the new one to me if i con't whining at this rate), stop saying that the sky will fail, stop eating chicken chop from the sci canteen(i need to watch my cals if i dont wanna die so soon), bring the right notes on the right day(so that lilian doesnt get the chance to write thief peishan on my notes! -.-), stop suanning and being mean to ade(so she doesnt do the same to me), stop posting msn convos on my blog(so that jy will con't telling me weird funny things), stop the whole cupcake thing(so that hp can get some rest and peace), stop making evil comments loudly(so that my friends and i wont get killed somewhere out there), and so many other things!! omg. hahahha.

yeas. this year had 4594350439530539events packed into 365 days, i cant believe so many things can actually happen in a single year. bad things happened, sad things did happen too. but happy things happened as well. though we always remember the bad ones, but it's okay. we'll learn to talk about the good ones more in the brand new year. and things were good while they lasted in 2007. and may the good things con't happening in 2008.

and so happy new year to you all. i've decided to save all my smses and not let singtel have a chance of eating them up. i know some of you are going to read this! so happy new year to all those reading this. and i love you guys! (esp to those who listened to my constant, brainless, senseless whining and nagging and bitching and having to comfort and console me when my grades were bad. hahaha, i bet you guys really wanted to kill me, but didnt have the heart to, so thank you! you guys really really really rock! i know you love me, you know you love me too! )

so guys! have a great new year. i want 2008 to come NOWWWWWWW.

Sunday, December 30, 2007
girls. 3:05 PM

you know something, i think jy is so going to kill me for this! hahahahahas. but this is why she's part of the lovely girls i know. hahahahas.
(to make up for the loss that she wasn't in the grp photo).
jy, pls spare me, the new year's coming. =D

peis. said: but im supp to bathe first
peis. said: im too lazy to do that
peis. said: v gross right???
jgd jiayan said: haha thats like me
jgd jiayan said: sometimes i wake up and im too lazy to pee
jgd jiayan said: so i go bck to slp
jgd jiayan said: :P
peis. said: OMGGGG
peis. said: JY!
peis. said: im so going to paste that on my blog! for the whole world to know that j holds her pee to bed
peis. said: my dear girl! how to sleep in peace while holding pee?
jgd jiayan said: I DO!!!
peis. said: omgggggg.

this really woke me up, in the middle of the night at 1am, and i did bathe after that, jy. =D am not as grosss YET. the day will come.

and this morning, cheryl smsed me excitedly about her gold earrings that are square-ish and shiny and so perfect that they didnt sound like they exist. i gave up looking for them. but jq found them! hahaha, that's makes all of my 8 lovely girls. hahaha. and her brilliant bf.

happy new year. =D

christmas. 12:12 AM

hahahaha, the simplest reason why i love these girls. aren't they lovely? (:

and! listen to this song!

Get this widget Track details eSnips Social DNA

get up and use your voodoo
you know you want it bad

you know, i love the spice girls too, ;) hahahahas.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
it's not over. 4:03 PM


okay. nothing to say.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
=D 9:50 PM

(hahaha, this post is only up on 281207 because i didnt upload my photos! so i kept the entry as a draft!)

=D the week has been a blast! hahaha or at least i had lots of fun in the past week, enough of having fun and then i shld start mugging soon then! =D

i went shopping for shoes with my mom on tue! hahahaha not the typical shoe shopping, but more of shopping for track shoessss! =DDD for my mom actually! =D see! my mom's healthier than i am eh, which is kind of embarrassing. i shall motivate myself to run more and then get myself new track shoes. =DD and we went to anchorpoint! the place looks damn different! it's prettier and newer now, with lots and lots of factory outlets. not bad eh. there's charles and keith factory outlet too! but i didnt get any shoes =D hahahahas.

me and nee were waiting for ade and cher so we cam-whored!/ade/tribe!in choc!
us!!!cher took this!/cher/only me and cher were intended to be in the photo. =x/pluck! the pretty cafe!
rafflescity!/cher!/nee!/us in the little red shiny ball!
and we hajilane-d on wednesday! it was drizzling, but okay lahh. at least it wasn't pouring. and we walked around, things are seriously overpriced eh! i wonder how come all the diff mags always recommend haji lane as a good shopping haunt. we ended up with nothing. =x but we found a nice little boutique cafe place, it's called pluck! nice little cafe with nice red seats, v pretty looking! =D and we ate some desserts there and sat there for a v v v long time! much better than walking around. and after an afternoon at haji lane, we adjourned to the more conventional shopping malls, suntec and raffles city! i must say that riverisland has got v pretty wallets at pretty affordable prices! with kisslock! my favourite kiap-ing part of the wallet! hahahaha, its not v useful and it will become loose, but it's really really really cuteeeee!! hahahaha i want everything with a kisslock! =D a kisslock wallet, a kisslock bag! ok, i sound stupid now. and mango sale! omg! we mango sale-d! but i didnt buy anything! hahahaha how great is that! brilliant right! =D i saw pretty shades. but ade thinks that all my shades look the same, fine, saved some money then!! =DD

cmc sleepover!
hahaha, we had a mini sleepover at lilian's and i only got there at like 11plus. and the rest were alr playing boogle or is it boggle. i must say that lilian and lydia are really good at it! and tzetong and i are like DAMN sucky at it! but tzetong is even worse than i am! considering that im totally new to the game! no wonder cheryl nah keeps telling me how fun the game is, okay lahh. not too bad. just that i keep losing. and kenneth enjoys challenging me because he knows that im going to be lousier than he is. -.- and we played poker! eh! i kept losing! unfairrr. and lydia kept winning! and i didnt take out my camera, so we didnt really cam-whore the whole thing. except one photo, when the girls tried to stop me from falling asleep on lilian's bed! hahaha and the guys cldnt be bothered with us at all, they were doing something on the comp. till we decided to watch love actually!! =D i chose it because i love natalie! and the prime minister! hugh grant! the loveliest couple of all! but i fell asleep before their story came on! and ttt felt without anyone of us realising! =x but not bad! we shld have one more sleepover! before term starts! =D
flea market @ riverwalk
see, we decided to try another unconventional shopping haunt. flea marketing, but it's kind of messy and crowded and we the lazy girls refused to dig for brilliant buys. so we got disappointed again. =x and while beeks went off to meet her friend for a reading outing(how bogus does that sound), me and ade adjourned to fareast! =DDD hahahaha v nice! i loooooove shopping! and we met glenda at fareast!
oh, but before that! we ate yummie jap desserts! at azaku soba! is that the name! quite yummie, just that hot balls are actually hotcakes in the shape of balls?? we didnt really expect that! we loved the red bean thingy!!

oh! and this photo! one fine day when shihui and i went to watch golden compass, cant remember when that was. but its been a while since i've seen shihui, so we took a photo =D
okay. and i spent sunday working. not exactly v interesting. and im suffering from the post flu vaccination side effects. sighs. but it's been a GOOD weeeeekk =DDD

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
yawns. 12:13 PM

hahahaha. im really sleeepy. but somehow, i always tend to wake up at 10plus in the morning and not be able to get back to bed. zzzzzz. but i wanna sleep somemoreeee. =x oh no. maybe i'll sleep earlier tonight and see if it works!

and i watched the kingdom last night! with weiming and gwen. it's a pretty nice show! jennifer garner was wowww! really garang in the show! and the saudi man was quite funny in the way that he didnt get a lot of amercian slangs and crude language. it's definitely a nicer catch than hitman, though weiming thought that hitman was not bad too(because of the pretty russian girl, who was dressed really, hmmm, well. hahahaha) but eh, the action of kingdom was so much better! hahahas, and gwen was quite terrified of all the gruesome scenes. but it was a nice show =DDD

and now! i shall con't re-watching greys. i feel like an idiot, but grey's is addictive. everyone thinks that im mad. hahahaha. =p but well, thats what holidays are for!!

Sunday, December 09, 2007
don't sail away. 6:19 PM

hmmm, i love this song! and i love this mtv! i couldnt believe that this was by a chinese singer! and i think the mtv is really really really nice too!! somehow! i think there's an older rendition of this by some english singer, but i just cant find it! but it's a nice lazy song! =DDDD

p/s: it takes quite a while to load! but it's worth the wait! =D

Saturday, December 08, 2007
keep on rockin' 12:47 AM

hmmm CAs ended eons ago, but i didnt get down to blogging much, nor did i upload photos. im l.a.z.y. =x i movie-marathoned, shopped endlessly and ate a lot over the psat 1.5 weeks. because holy shit! more CAs are awaiting us when term starts. so we'll play all we can for the time being!!! =DDDD hahahahs. which makes playing quite tiring sometimes, but it's good tirin' though =D hahahahas.

hahaha. this came from really long ago. the first day that CAs ended. ok, not that long ago, just last monday. but it feels like its been a really long time! hahahaha. and i didnt eat that plate of fatty food! it's zhiyong's and huipei's (ahhh-heemmm.) hahahahas. oh! and we caught enchanted that dayyy! hahahahas. its HILARIOUS. me and mandy were laughing so hard that i guess the kids in front were pissed at us. because we were so so so skeptical about all the fairytale scenes. happily ever and silly singing in the park, hopping around the benches acts. it's so funny that i wont mind watching it again. hahahahas.
and on some other day, i cant remember which, i watched hitman with moses and weiming. hmmm, ok lahh. not a very nice show.(and the 2 idiots tried to trick me into watching 30days of night! irritating pple!!!) but i finally met up with them. and now that cheryl's back from aust, we can meet up mooreee. but apparently, rj's busyyyy =*(((( sighhhsss.

ohhh anat group girls went shopping this week! and me and huipei had some impromptu shopping as well, huipei blew more than 100bucks and i blew around 50bucks on a top alone. okays, i think we suck! hahahahaha. we shld save more and spend less! =x but the next shopping trip wasn't that fruitful. most of us didnt manage to get anything. =xxxx nvm! the company was great! we had a lot of fun sitting around and gossiping and talking and freezing in the fast food restaurant. hahah =DDD and i caught golden compass with shihui at night! my brother had extra tickets to the show so we watched it together! not bad!! tonnes better than hitman -.-. but seriously, it shldnt be rated G. me and shihui were startled at so many scenes when something suddenly popped up from somewhere or furiously charged at something else. and frankly speaking, if i were a kid, i wldn't be really happy to see polar bears in amour and charging at one another in that manner. that's damn sick and scary. but i must say that nicole kidman is really really really hot in the show. omg. =DDD she doesnt look her age and she acts damn well!!! =DDDDD
and i met my pretty girls, beeks and cheryl nah. =D i havent seen my pretty lawyers in a really long time too. adeline was supp to come! but the silly girl went to langkawi already. nvm. and since ade wasn't there for me to attack, i continously attacked beeks and cher throughout the night. hahaha. and they thought that i was going mad, dont worry! everything's under control, jst that the rickshaw and trishaw joke was really quite funny. or at least, i thought it was really funny. =x

i have somemore photos. but the blogger uploading tool is dying on me time and again. will upload those v v v soon =D hahahas. and i think i have some photos stuck on lilian's camera. and i always forget to kope them from her! and yus went off the japan! i wanna go as well. =xxxx

Monday, December 03, 2007
i thought we could. 10:17 PM

i read jy's blog. and i saw this.

jgd jiayan says (2:48 PM):sorry ! i miss sunshiny jiayan!
jgd jiayan says (2:48 PM):i want her back!
jgd jiayan says (2:48 PM):where did she go!
peis. says (2:48 PM):yeas, i miss sunshiny jy too
peis. says (2:48 PM):but i think she needs a break
peis. says (2:48 PM):we all need breaks at some point of time
peis. says (2:48 PM):im really tired too

2plus pm for her is probably like some in the middle of the night chat for me. im so tired that i cant even remember that i said this to her. but reading this made me sad for a little while. it's sad to watch your gfs be unhappy or whine about unhappy things with your gfs(though its always the best remedy.)

we've always seen one another prancing around sn as happy little girls, feeling happy about orange bowls. it's sad how life can make us grow up sometimes. things dont go our way anymore, we cant quite accept ourselves being just average. no one wants to be just average. but things dont always happen the way we want them to. we dont mean to do evil things, we dont mean to say evil stuff. but they come out somehow, anyhow sometimes. there's no time for breaks, no time for rests, no time for naps, resting somehow makes us see our insufficiency more. i thought i was mad, i worked 21 hours out of the 48 hours weekend, and jy told me maybe, it's because we wldnt accept anything less than ourselves and that it's out of kindness that i covered a day for a colleague who cldnt make it for work. maybe it was, or maybe i did it because it gave me less time to think about how i shld deal with my less than average life.

i guess we all need a break, and maybe things will be better then. not a day off school, but a nice long break with no one weird to disturb.

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D