Saturday, November 24, 2007
try to fill me without. 11:59 AM

omg. i so shldnt have checked my CAs reults yesterday. damn it damn it damn it. and i was so irritated that i called yusrina immediately to whine about it!!! dont check it if you havent, or okay, maybe not everyone suffers the same fate as i do. so my whining and moping took up my friday night. darn =x. but im glad that some friends ard are quite good at this consoling thing. hahaha like yus, deb and kenneth. everyone was telling me to chill and that it'll be okay while i was semi going insane. haahahas. each time, i pity the person who checks a grade that turns out bad for me. the person usually will be victimized and have to listen to my rantings for hours without fail. haiyoh! and i made silly mistakes for NS. i think it happens for everyone, but my mistake is by far the silliest eh, im about to kill myself. grrrrrrrrrr. i will mug harder, and take the cue from mathew, mug or die. =*((( i'd rather mug than die.

okay. im off to do patho. i cannot perform silly stunts on monday again, during my patho mcq. i will so kill myself at the end of it all. this is NOT fun.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
. 11:11 PM

yday, we had pdcp. i wanted to pon it. i really wanted to. but everyone was going, so i went. yayys. but it wasn't exactly the most interesting thing on a early friday afternoon. -.- we had to do this self reflection exercise. and we were asked to write the name of a person closest to us on a piece of paper. so, in an attempt to save paper, i didnt write anything down. =D and then, after a while we were supposed to imagine that those pple we loved actually died or something. and we had to squash up the paper.
and after classes ended, zhiyong and zhenwei were telling us how they wrote abbas and robins down as their favorite closest person and squashed them up. and since they're gone, we dont have to read them for CAs anymore. and how they were glad that they killed abbas and robins and didnt have to read them anymore. hahahahs. my friends are funny pple. =D how i wished that was true, omg. those books, are omg, thick like the yellow pages with such small prints that i think they shld be thrown away. =*(

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
sleep. 5:22 PM

i'm tired, very very very tired. i think i need to sleep more, but i'm already sleeping excessively. i think i'm just too tired of everything around here. the mugging, the school, all the crap. christmas is coming soon, and somehow, christmas shouldn't come. christmas just sounds too happy to fit in right now.

Sunday, November 11, 2007
and more summer lovin'. 8:52 PM

cmc chilled at timbre after CAs ended on wed, with nice music from EIC. but the photos are with lilian, i realised that the photos that i took werent as nice as those from her camera. so i shall take the photos from her really soon and upload them =D hahahahas.

mugging is really bad, but chilling rocks. and the chilling and playing after mugging rocks more. so i really hope that all the CAs will be over real soon! and we can shop. chill. eat. shop. chill. crap. bitch for as long as we want. cant be any happier! =D

summer lovin'!! <3 6:02 PM

hahaha, my blog posts recently are all photoless, doesnt mean that the photowhore hasn't been photowhoring, it's just that i havent had time to compile and make the photos into collages to post them up on my blog, so here comes the really overdue photos.

this is when jiayan left, this is how long i havent uploaded photos for! and we miss you, j!!! our many groupshots/ade and shih/me and cher pigging out at popeye's.

and ade's bday!!!! we had yummy thai food at stickyrice. ok, only me and cher found our food yummie, the rest were whining how bad their rice tasted. =x so ermmm, not a recommended dining place!! =x ade,nee,cher/yw,nee,peis/cherandme!/ade!!!/our food!!/the pretty menu
hahaha. this is random cmc chilling, one of the saturday nights at starbucks. hahaha. i called this hello@orchard starbucks. but know something? hello@orchard doesnt exist anymore. hahahahas. so i gave nonexistent directions. =x kenneth(mrlate)/tzetong and lyd/tt lyd and lil pretending to be discussing about the parenting mag/lyd and lil/tzetong/mat and me/tt and me/ the rest of them/ lil and mat!
and we went familyingggg. and had yummy teppanyaki at my brother's place! this was how much yummilicious food we had!!!
and FONDUE!! fondue makes me fat! but happy at the same time =DDD and satay!! droolssss, i want more satay nowwww.
hmmmm and this is us! at the tenppayaki dinner!!! my brother with his mouth full of food/ my mommy who's really proud of her biggie prawn/ my daddy! and them happily posing with food and busy at the hotplate, poor mom got cut off the last photo. oooops.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
<3! 1:05 PM

hahaahs. peis is really slow, jy's bday is long over now. and this post is to wish the pretty babe a happy bday!!!! =DDDD. you know i love you! =DDDDD (next time round, we'll take photos where we're smiling prettily into the camera!!) i hope you had a blasting bday this year, but how great can it be without peis around! hahahas, im just kidding! enjoy london, babe! and we'll sentoooosaaa very soon again! =D

hohohoh. and im supposed to be mugging. immuno and microb, omg. faints. cofm was bad, v bad. hahahas. lets hope we have some fun after the tests tmr. we owe ourselves a long overdue break from the texts.

Monday, November 05, 2007
11:59 PM

it's still the same song. am loving it so much that it keeps playing on my computer.

i remember laughing on that river's edge
trying to get you to jump with me
trying to get you to fall for me
and your trembling heart
it beats so fast
holding hands you promised me
holding hands we counted to three
and i felt your slipping fingers
and i saw you change your mind
and if i havent dragged you in with me
would have let me died,
without you.

dublin sky.

lemmings. 12:57 AM

hmmmm. have you ever heard of the lemmings? those small rodents who seem to commit suicide off the cliff by following one another. and copying the actions of the others. though it has always been a misconception that lemmings hurl themselves off the cliff by following their friends, people have always cited the lemmings theory. well, lemmings, hmmm lemmings seems like rodents that aren't too scary looking, unlike mice. but they do scary things. and i first heard of the stories at one of virginia cheng's leadership talk in nj. and no, i didnt fall asleep during those talks, i did listen. and i found it interesting but i nv thought that it could really apply to human, people, beings.

but today, i found a very warped rendition of the lemmings theory. i was appalled when i read what i did. but you know, just a little shocked, maybe very. the details seem a little weird and off. even my friends are puzzled.

well, oh boy, lemmings. lemmings still do exist, in a weird warped way though. lack of creativity, thats what shihui calls it. tired minds cant seem to think v well on their own right? i remember having this exercise book in primary school that says free expression. you write essays down based on your own free thoughts, but mostly, tchers give u some topic as a guideline to follow. kids thought of their own stories then, they had a mind of their own then. no one else read anyone else's work, thought about it and used it as their own else where. just doesnt seem right to do it. maybe those were the kiddy days, doesnt seem to apply now. really makes me wonder how many people spend time thinking and generating their own thoughts rather than lifting that of others. like the lemmings, maybe it's easier and faster and more foolproof. maybe those pple like doing it like that. maybe they find it easier on themselves. suit yourself. i dont like it that way. never do, never will. nevermind if you dont understand this entry. you don't really have to.

Friday, November 02, 2007
beautiful girls. 3:42 PM

A woman should maintain a certain sense of mystery about herself, and I think that can continue to any age." --Angela Lansbury

ok, i stole this from li pui wing jackie because i thought that it's a beautiful quote. yeas, =D

and im sleepy, v sleepy. i fell asleep on my notes so many times, it's hard to count. i want to sleep, again.

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D