Thursday, September 27, 2007
small talks. 3:55 PM

a couple of days ago, manda and i were talking about certain stuff. stuff that's somewhat impt but we've not quite talked about and stuff that i've quite chosen to ignore. and i think what she said kind of makes sense actually, and i guess we'll see how it goes. =D and im really quite glad that she gave me a reality check and saw that i had the need to speak about it at some point of time. =*)

AND! i went to sentosa! with the pretty girls! but sadly, we got burnt =(( and my nose and back hurts. i need more aloe vera, =*(

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
t-test. 8:39 PM

grrrrrr. this is so pissfying. grr! i mean why do we have to do biostats. omg, sounds perfectly like greek to me. there's like chi-sq test, t test, some different types of t test, epidemiological studies, biostats. omg. all sound like greek to me, anw. can those pple who love math handle this instead? omg omg omg, i cant believe this, the stats are killing me. i used to love math, but not in the stats way. a science course shld bail me out of all these stats crap and studies, case control case series cross sectional studies crap. omg, and here i am, in a whirlhole of cofm and silly stats figures, formulae, the 2X2 table that is 'bound to come out for your exams and give you some extra marks'. damn it. i hate it alr. i cant even sit through ONE set of notes and i have 13 more sets to go. BY TONIGHT. and it's alr 2042hrs. im officially pissed.

and, it seems like this world's pretty small. okay, not quite when some pple do come from the same colleges and schools and stuff like that. but, you'd never expect how your friends are linked and how much things intertwine together some how or rather and how they all come back to you at some point of time. it's really kind of unexpected and surprising. but i think it happens and when it does, you either choose to run away or get used to it. well, i guess i choose to run away, like i always do.

Monday, September 24, 2007
bags of lust. 4:30 PM

hahahaha. jiayan recently introduced me to a site, hahahaha it's a really really really amusing site! (for girls, at least) with tonnes and tonnes of pretty bags and girls like us going mad over bags that we simply wont be able to get. =D but trust me, the bags are REAL pretty. =D jiayan wants a muse and peis wants a hermes berkins. hahahahas. and the picture above is like hmmm, artisans in the paris hermes workshop. the artisans who actually produce these berkins! and kellys! omg omg omg. apparently, they only produce ard 5-7 bags per week, hence the price and the waiting list. the thing is, apparently the wait is ard 7 years for a bag! even if you have the cash! =p this sounds really random and silly but this is how boring the holidays can get! and i still want my berkins, one day. i'm sure jiayan still wants her muse too! =D

and so! this is for my dearest, insane-est shopping partner! =DDD the pretty muse! white muse! and omg! heidi klum! =DDDD.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
i feel so far from where i've been. 8:56 PM

consoled a cup of coffee
but it didnt wanna talk
so i picked up the papers
it was more bad news
more hearts being broken
more pple being used
put on my coat in the pouring rain
i saw a movie but it just wasn't the same
it was happy but i was sad.

- jewel, you were meant for me.

hmmmmm. i thought of this song suddenly, like a couple of secs ago. i think it's a nice song. along with songs like foolish games. some of the classics by jewel. before she started trying things like intuition. well, quite a breakthrough for her. but not a v successful breakthrough. her voice suits sad songs, make them really soulful. which reminds me, we were listening to songs by this local singer based in japan called olivia. and she did her rendition of all out of love, the one by airsupply. she sings really well but i was sad that she made such a sad song so happy. like hello, pple are falling out of love, not in love. can you sound a little sadder?? hahahas. she made every single song sound too bouncy, cheery and happy. good for some songs, not all though. but her voice is quite good, i must say.

and, my bday's over! thank you to those who rememebered!
pbl ended in a real chop chop way early in the morning (maybe because i was late). i remembered the timing wrong! again! oh no. i bet dr tay HATES me now. and he'll prob target me at the next pbl session AGAIN. oh gosh, frowns.

hahaahas =DD and i met lots of pple i wanted to meet. like my siblings (my parents ran off overseas, humph!) and tribers! tribers are so so so cute! hahaas, <3 them. but sadly, jy's leaving pretty soon. we had yummy nydc, lots of nydc. makes me happy=D yummy pasta and cakes and dessert. now, i know what comes when i tell the waiter that i want THE DESSERT. hahaha =DD thank you babes!! =DD we must nydc soon again! and we shopped! and and gossipped and =DDDD yayyss.

and then i met cmc! for dinner at imperial treasure! =DD yummilicous too. and we looked like a few goons with 3 plates of fried rice. assorted fried rice and 4 longs of xiao long bao. but after we were done with the xiao long baos, they cleared it pretty quickly, so we looked as if we had a fried rice buffet, which was ermmmm, kind of embarrasssing. =* hahahas. but it was fun! eating and chatting! and it was tt's bday too =DDDD yayys. and we went over to oosh for drinks after that. oosh is really great! the only spoiler being the mosquito coils, they really stink the crap out of the pretty place after a while! =( yucks! but the place is PRETTY! i wanna go there again! soon! =DDDDD

being twenty feels damn old. i wanna be a teen, like nineteen again! but it seems like it can't be helped, =(

Saturday, September 15, 2007
. 11:36 PM

today, while i was at work, i saw something rather horrifying. hmmm, i saw the aftermath of a traffic road accident near my workplace. 3 cars were smashed together and one other car toppled over to one side. initially, i didnt notice the car that toppled over, so i thought that it was a pretty minor accident. then, i saw the last car that was in the middle of 2 lanes. and it toppled to the side. and there were kind of like a puddle of blood forming from around the car. i didnt know that i wld feel terrified. we've seen cadavers for a year and countless disgusting photos from patho and clinical overviews and some patients in wards. but nothing was like what i saw. i didnt manage to see what actually happened to the driver/passenger. but the sight of the amt of blood that they cld have lost freaked me out. puts an entirely different meaning to why im doing med, not in the grey's way anymore. we really wanna save lives, one day. and to save lives, we must know a lot. we must know what we can do to save them, as well as know that we shld be glad that we did everything we cld to save them.

Friday, September 14, 2007
girl talk. :) 10:06 AM

hmmm. i meet jiayan yesterday. :) for shopping and lunch. was supposed to get some drinks at heat lounge, but we ate too much for drinks. :( nevermind! we'll def make a trip there one day before jiayan goes back to london. :( i'll miss her then! and! we talked a lot a lot a lot. and we've realised that we've all grown up since our sn days. we were little girls then. and we thought pretty simply about life and friends. and we've all grown up since then, for the better and the worse.

Monday, September 10, 2007
standards. 2:26 AM

hmmmmm, im supposed to go to bed right now because i've got classes at 8 in the morning later on. but it's boring patho overview for cancer. doesnt sound v good. so we'll see. i may go for it. either that or i'll just go for pharmaco at 1030. =D sounds better for a monday morning right? 8 just isnt the way to begin a monday morning, =(.

and, i was just thinking. when we are judging people ard us and what they do, we always always always have double standards. things are always different when we're judging someone who's our friend, or someone whom we hate or someone whom we're not familiar with. we tend to be more lenient towards people whom we love, regardless of whatever they did, be it right or wrong. and we'll tend to speak ill of pple whom we dont really know, dislike or hate and do things that are barely wrong or against what we perceive as the norm. which is a pretty bad thing to do, but we do it all the time. sometimes, i don't know if this is good. it seems like it's kind of unfair but it happens, all the time.

and so, thats the way the world goes. =

monday blues are bad. i don't wanna go to school and i wanna sleep innnnnnn.

Sunday, September 09, 2007
missing. 2:50 PM

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im strong
but i break
im stubborn
and i make plenty of mistakes
yea, im hard
and life with me is never easy.
to figure out, to love
im jaded
but oh so lovely.
all you have to do is hold me.
and you'll know
and you'll see.
just how sweet it can be
if you'll trust me
love me
let me.
maybe, maybe.

when we're at the same place
when we're on the same road
when it's okay to told hold my hand
without feeling lost
without all the excuses
when it's just because you love me.
you let me
you need me
then maybe, maybe
all you need to do is told me
and you'll know
and you'll see
just how sweet it can be
if you'll trust me
love me
let me

maybe i'm confusing as hell
i'm north and south
and i'll probably never have it figured out
but what i know is i wasn't mean
to walk this world withoot you
and i promise i'll try
yea, im gonna true to give you every lil' detail you missed with your eyes
then maybe
yea, maybe yea.
one day, we'll meet again and you'll need me day
you'll see me completely
every little bit
oh yeah, maybe you’ll love me
you'll love me then i dont wanna be tough
and i dont wanna be proud
i dont need to be fixed
and i certaintly dont need to be found
im not lost

-kelly clarkson, maybe

hmmmm, yummilicious song by kelly clarkson. her new album's kind of different and pretty nice, most of the songs at least =DDD and it's spinning on my windows media player =D

and, i haven't been blogging for quite a while. my blog's like stagnant and kind of dead. =p hahha and in this week! huipei turned 20!! happy bday!! and we found new meannings to cupcakes, giant cells and foam cells! thanks to mandy, cindy and huipei! this is not called backstabbing!!! hahahs, we found new meanings, for my anat grp at least. =ppp wont tell them to anyone =DDD hahahahas. =p

and cmc watched license to wed! it's quite a feel good show. mandy moore is oh so gorgeous! she is such a lovely babe! hahahas. simple, cliche romantic comedy plot, but i liked it quite a bit, makes you feel good after the show. =DDDD but movies are crappy costly things that makes peis declare a status of finanicial crisis along with my shopping spree with manda on wednesday. we're horrible friends who are extremely inclined to make friends spend more and moreee!! but its really fun to shop! been missing it for a while! =DDDDDD

and im serious! i will go running soon, i feel fat =(

Saturday, September 01, 2007
fwahahaha 12:01 AM

Your Brain is Red

Of all the brain types, yours is the most impulsive.

If you think it, you do it. And you can get the bug to pursue almost any passion.

Your thoughts are big and bold. Your mind has no inhibitions.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about love, your dreams, and distant places.

hahahas, i just did this, and i tihnk the results sound true! im always in lala land! =x

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

and this! im such a quiz whore. =x

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D