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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
11:18 PM oh yayy. i finally caught pirates today! hahaha. there was no need to book tickets actually, plenty of seats on the eve of vesak day. wells, but we didnt manage to get any tickets yesterday. all thanks to picky peis. but nvm! at least we got to watch it TODAY! yayyysss. and we had to eat both sweet and SALTY popcorn. because peishan wants sweet and gerard wants salted, and the other 2 guys stood there and watched us go, 'sweet,' 'salted,' 'sweet,' 'salted,' till we both gave in to mixed popcorn, which is sad, because you cant see which is which in a dark cinema. hahahahas. and i feel asleep! in the middle of the first hour. but i got up and watched the rest of the movieee. hahaahhahs. =D and yes, the last 10-15secs after the credits. erm. hahaha. what can i say man. and we had yummie dinner at mos, and lots of gossiping. hahaha, i told you, i've got my sources. i spy with my little eye =DDDD but peishan is seriously not kaypoh! =DDDD yayys. great day, great movie, great day at the clinic too. hahah, worked with lao pan and my manager, stressful, but the day passed rather quickly, which is good =DDD hahahas. but something bad happened ultimately. and that's it man, like i told char, threshold alr. i think all of us had got limits, be it at work, with friends, no matter how close your friends are. (dont worry, i didnt get pissed at char. i was complaining to her, actually.) there's only this much of trash a person can take, and after which, you wanna strangle the other person, i seriously mean it. and i am seriously quite pissed. whatever, i dont need such crap. tmrw will be a happy day with nj babes and SHREK! hahaha, happy people, happy shows. forget the meanos. they dont deserve my time and effort. Sunday, May 27, 2007
tv. dailymotion.
11:54 PM hahaha. i spent my lovely sunday being sick at home. no, i didnt get to go out. it's bad if you're sick and you spent your day out at the first weekend of the GSS. i will be unhappily squashed, and sick. hahaha. =D so i watched many things at home =DDD including greys season finale that i've been missing for so so so long. and so, greys ended, again. the ending was good, but v sad. pls watch it if you have time! (im sure you do, holidays are here!) it's terribly sad, i cant stand it. how can it be like that! damian's in europe, or else i will be screaming at him, like SCREAMMINGGG!! hahaha, he shld be thankful for his trip. hahahaha. and my brother brought home the vcd for the local production, just follow law. the movie by fann wong and gurmit singh, no it's not pirated. he borrowed it from a friend who actually bought the vcd, so yayys for us. and ermmm, for that person who bought it. but it's a uber funny show, i was laughing from the start till the end. hahaha. my brother was telling me that if i had watched it in a cinema, my friends wld be shocked at the way i laughed throughout the show. hahah, too bad then. =D Friday, May 25, 2007
hmmm. =|||
10:54 PM hmmmm. i am sick. i am still sick. i have to work tmr. i am working the closing shift tmr. which is quite bad. i dont like closing shifts. i come home really late. which is very bad. but that's not the worst. i am really sleepy. but somehow, i dont wanna go to bed. cmc is still in uk. i wanna talk to them. but they aren't online, doubt they will be. which is bad as well. and i doubt i wanna talk anymore, maybe i shld just go to bed. right. some people call this pms, which is a sucky excuse. but that's it. take it or leave it. =x Thursday, May 24, 2007
sickness. =x
6:49 PM oh no. this is quite bad, i have been puking out half of everything i ate. i hope this doesnt con't, i've got work tmr. and my sickness has destroyed my going out plans today. =((( sighsss. nvm, i shall go out next week. =DDD and i talked to cmc online just now! all of themmmmm. =DDD, on msn!! hahaha, and i told lilian that i left my camera cable at her place, so i cant quite upload any photos right now. nvm, will upload them soon!! =DDD Monday, May 21, 2007
7:43 PM
What 2004 Hit Song Are You? ermm, well, thanks. no one shld do online quizzes when they're bored. do SOMETHING ELSE. yucks. =x Sunday, May 20, 2007
pdcp is finally overrrr. =D
4:06 PM yayyys, the ever so disgusting pdcp is finally over. haahahah. and i was late for the final exam, sadly. hitched a ride from ttt, because i thought kenneth wld be later than ttt. but who knows, kenneth was 10-15mins earlier than me and ttt. hahahaha. but it's okay, we had too much time anw! =DDDD hahahah. hmmm, and we had lunch with prof raj on thu. in some novena ville restaurant. ermmm, not too bad. pretty okay. he paid for it, so we felt pretty bad, maybe we shld get him a really nice bday present when his bday comes in aug, so we wont feel so bad. =x and melvyn's going vietnam. that's damn cool!! oh my gosh, makes me wanna go vietnam tooooo. oh my gosh!!! hahha, i shldn't. i have to save money! here comes cheapo shan, hahaha. but i cant stop shopping, sighss. yawns, i wanna sleep. maybe, i shld go nap before dinner =DDD Wednesday, May 16, 2007
bad movies are sad, disgusting and gross.
9:17 PM pdcp stinks and sucks. it is oh my gosh. so gross and disgusting. bleahs, complete waste of our pretty little break. yucks. everyone's ponning pdcp. hahaha, half the cohort ponned, shows how bad those sessions are. and we watched a bad movie yesterday. 28 weeks later. it's quite disturbing and gross. but i must say that the sniper is quite cute, but he's quite old. and the doctor's quite pretty, she's got really nice eyes, but she died in such a gross way. yucks. and those pple with the rage virus. yuckss. hahaha, and the guys know that i was freaked out, so they kept scaring me after the show!! argh, as i said, peishan chooses the next movie! i want a happy, brainless, smiley romance comedy!! okay?! and gerard, save your breath!! i will not get your 17k lego for youuuu!! =pppp hohohoo. and the pretty photos from taipei!!! us at the taipei airport!! waiting for the airport transfer! =DD ![]() at one of the swing restaurants! the one with an ocean theme! pretty place, the food's not that yummie though. reminds me of the dolphin show! ![]() mister donut! the lion and the sheep are so so so cute!!! i <3 href=""> ![]() hohoho. the east district! the expensive, high end brands that the 3 little girls cannot afford, so it's photo time! and taipei 101!!! =DDD ![]() hohoho, at one of the stuffed toys shop! it didnt seem to bother the storekeeper that we were happily photowhoring in the shop! and amanda bought the 2 cute octopuses!! =))) ![]() hohoho. new york new york shopping centre!! =DDD the 3 of us took individual photos here!! =DDD ![]() on the way to wu fen pu! we stopped by at hu xu zhang for lunch! it's quite yummie, one of the must-trys! so, yayys!! ![]() at shilin night market!! us and our icecream mochi! =DDD yummie little things!! i want somemoooreeee. ![]() the next day, we had more yummie food. ya rou bian!!! chao mian told me it's a must try!! and i think it's quite yummie toooooo. ![]() ximending in the day and at night! and the pretty beyonce poster!!! ![]() hohoho, the kawaii 7-11 mascot! ![]() ![]() jiufen! the place miles AWAY FROM TAIPEI CITY. but a place that's really pretty too!!! pretty houses, greens and lao jie! =DD and yummie taro balls! yummieeee. =DDD ![]() hohoohhho, more fooood. the buffet with a 'bbq pit' and steamboat! and there was haagen daz icecream and meiji icecream!!! yummssss. ![]() hohoh. outside taipei main(train) station and shin kong life tower!! ![]() danshui!! a pretty place with the sea and the breeezeeeee. and it's really pretty by the night too. love ittttt loadssss. <3 href=""> ![]() danshui by the night! ![]() shilin night market again! this time with moooooore food. oh my, we're all growing fat! at least, i am!!! =DDD and they fish little terrapins with hooks on their shells!! so cuteee. and there's icecream puffss. oh my gosh. ![]() we met linda liao in xmd!!! she's the girl from afterhours and chase!! oh so pretty! at the matong restaurant! it's a really cute restaurant with matongs as seats! and the food's in the matong too!!! it's really ke ai! =DDD there are shower heads as deco too!! ![]() oh gosh, look at the matong bing! it's really cuteeeeee. ![]() we were kind of photowhoring with life-size posters, but it was fun!! hahahah. ![]() candy apple!! ![]() ah zhong mian xian. yumminess! =D ![]() unglam acts. our littering in the hotel, our excessive shopping and toothpick in someone's wallet!! ![]() hohoho, and the anat group outing at wheelock sakae!!! sushi highness. and we stuffed the excess rice onto different plates so that we will skip the food wastage part! hahahah. ![]() indochine-forbidden city!! =DD with cmc! =))) i drank china green, sounds ahma but taste yummie!!! the photos are oh so smoky! hahah and the only clear one is the one taken outside forbidden city! hahaha. Tuesday, May 15, 2007
yayys. i'm back!!! =DDD
2:50 AM yayyy. im finally back after one long long long week. taipei was fantastic. just that i fell sick and coughed my way through the trip. but taipei is a v v pretty city. prettier than spore in some ways, maybe because im away from any yllsom, pdcp, school, work kind of crap. i hate those stuff. and taipei had none of them!! so yayyys, taipei trip rocks. but the 2 poor girls had to tahan a nonstop coughing girl, im glad none of them caught my flu bug. and the flu bug made plane landing really terrible for me, my ears were so blocked that i could hardly hear and i was feeling really terrible. but the 2 girls were really nice!! so it kind of made things a lot better than it would have been. hahah. =DD and we took tonnes of photos. but my anat grp told me that my photos have v little scenery in them. and huge heads plus little, nearly non-existent scenery in them. i shall prove them wrong man!!! hahaha. and they, the evil pigs, say that i brought back bad habits, then rolling up in a ball and planting myself onto the LT chair like an ah-ma. and squatting down to talk to other pple. i wasn't squatting!! i was sitting in btw the chair and table of the next row of LT chairs!! haiyohss!! hahahaha. hilarious eh!!! oh, i'd upload photos soon, to prove the silly anat grp guys wrong! but for now, im too sleepy to do that. coughing excessively is a good way to skip pdcp for a day. i think i've discovered myself quite a bit over the past 20years and the 670965043 personality quizzes aren't really helping. so pdcp is wasting my time. argh. =x Sunday, May 06, 2007
the other side.
11:54 PM well, i just watched the 2 hour long greys episode. to my dismay, much of it isnt about the interns. it's about the silly doctors(addison's friends) at LA. i was like ARGHH, none of the girls are hot, and the guys are not as hot as those at seattle grace. so so so angry. the 2 hours wasn't wellspent! sighs. and poor izzie, i hate omalley. he's such a jerk. arghhh. it's not izzie's fault, it's silly omalleyyyy. boohoohoo. ok, enough greys. anw, j's writings on my facebook wall make me miss her mooooore. i want jacs and j to come home asap!! i want tribal council, i want silly monopoly sleepovers where we bargain for some trainstation and some other pink colour coded streets. hahaha, and our bbqs and steamboats. hahaha. and i've been working for 2 weeks now, pretty okay. i've been ranting endlessly to pple like chao mian, but it's okay. it'd be fine! and here comes my 2 weeks off work! so cool, work for 2 weeks and rest for 2 weeks. so so so nice. yayyss =))) Friday, May 04, 2007
10:24 PM i was just thinking about people that i know from all the different places, my friends, my colleagues and everyone else and the different things that go on around me. and just how well i know them, or rather how well i thought i knew them and what i actually think about those pple and those situations around me. but i've realised that sometimes, things can be pretty different, really pretty different, of what i may have thought of them to be. which is pretty bad, but sometimes, pretty real. manda once told me something like this, as you grow older, you find the world more ugly. which is quite true. =xxx but nonetheless! im looking forward to monday!! i guess we all are!! =DDDD |