Saturday, February 03, 2007
2:15 PM
yayyy, i realised i've been to lazy to blog =(((( i'm a lazy girl. hahaha. and everyone agrees that the fever bug ate me up quite a bit, and made me more insane. hahaha. no, it's so not true okay. im still as sane as ever! =))))) regardless of whatever bug came =))) okay. maybe that's not v true. hahahaha.
was supp to meet og pple for dinner last night, but the sms came when i was sleeping. so i missed it =(((( call me lazy, im sorry =xxxx but kenneth had food poisoning from his anat grp dimsum buffet, which was quite funny. hahahaha. okay, im mean. hahahahaha. while the rest were happy with their newton circus food. hahaha =))))
yayy. and it's the weekly anat grp outing on fridays! =)))) but our attendance is seriously dropping, from like 12 to like 10 to 7 this week! nononono, this cant be happenning. i hope more pple goes next week, so we can go settler's again =))))) so we lunched at holland v! and i ate holland v nasi lemak. sounds v he lan chun! hahahahaha, but it's not i guess. i remember jacs was looking for nasi lemak the prev time we were in holland v. which was quite funny. haha and we met jasmine's anat grp! but i think they went off to mug after lunch, which is v sad =(((( we shld never ever do that! it's bad for digestion! hahahaha. and we went to the pet shop again! haha this time round, peishan didnt knock into the glass! not as the guys were anticipating the accident again! hahahah. =))))) and we realised that cats have got lots of toys to choose from too!! which was quite cool, and they have nice looking canned food too! hahaha. and the dogs were pretttttty, but we started running away after realising that there was a stench coming out from them =(((((( and anthropology (is this how you spell it) is quite a cool place! with pretty stuff and even prettier price tags. haha, so we concluded that their stuff is meant for viewing purposes only! hahahaha. and we did the cheapo-est thing at nydc! 7 of us, sat down and order a plate of nachos! hahaha, so i guess the nydc pple despised us =((( and gave us cold cheese. we got angry! and we filled in a feedback form! intitated by zhenwei and seconded by huipei. hahaha. we used the cold cheese served to fill in the form and it was hilarious!! we all took photos of the feedback form but im too lazy to upload it! hahaa and huipei wrote the word 'cold' with cheese in the section for additional comments! hahahahaha, it was really hilarous!!! and i met manda at nydc!! hahaha, so highclass. go nydc for patuoing. hahaha, we must go shop soon okay!!! hahaha. and the most anticlimax thing came, we had to go back for anat practical =((( but it's a short and nice practical! which wasnt too bad =) and me and yus realised that guys dont care about hygiene at all!!! most of them just take off their gloves and do other stuff before washing their hands! like sms-ing in the anat hall. or even worse, writing notes with their gloves on after touching the cadavers. which is totally gross. hahaha. YUCKS! =x