Tuesday, February 27, 2007
12:38 AM

oh gosh, yayy, day 1 of sch is OVER. once again, i woke up late! wowww, haha and dilly dallyed around the house for quite a while. BUT, i wasn't late for class! YAYYS! hahaha, and the boring lecturer went on and on and on about sexual reproduction. after a while, everyone realised that she was basically repeating herself after every 3 or 4 slides, damn sick =xxxx

and in btw the lectures and kaur's histo review, we headed down to town for lunch! ttt had to wax his car! and all of us had yummie far east chicken rice! nice way to brighten up a gloomy school day =)))) and kaur's histo review felt like a who wants to be a millionaire session, we were guessing. 50/50, asking our friends or giving up, none of us really knew what those slides showed, we GUESSED. hahaha =x this is quite bad, CAs are barely 2 weeks away. NO TIME LEFT! and i only slept for 2.5 hours the prev day. and we went down to ttt's house after class to mug! chao mugger club resumed business! but we talked and ate more than we mugged, but at least it's a start! maybe we shld have yu sheng! and toast to no vivas! =D

mug on, all my darlings out there.
and after this, we deserve a good break! =D

Sunday, February 25, 2007
4:18 PM

yayy, this is one of the prettiest mtv around, with nelly furtado in her pretty white dress! to some extent, she resembles natalie imbruglia in this mtv! maybe it's her bangs, white dress and girlieness! she's seldom this girlie! but it's really pretty!

4:16 PM

you know something. i told j last night that i wasn't going to watch episode 17 of greys till she heads home with her portable harddisk,but here i am, downloading the clips of the episode. hahaha. i couldn't resist the temptation after reading abc.com and damian's post of greys. hahaha, this is too tempting. i know the entire story alr, but i wanna see it HAPPEN. hahaha, i wanna see moving things, moving people, and not words. hahaha.

yes, and like i've always said, greys is a sad show. v v sad and addictive. too many episodes a day makes you a little more sad for a little long while. but maybe we know that characters in greys seem so closely-knitted together(i dont mean the sleeping around parts), the way they care for one another when bad things happen(they always do happen in greys) and the way the handle the problem together. maybe somehow in this show, they tell us it takes a lot, a lot more than hardwork to make our lives seem alright.

Saturday, February 24, 2007
9:46 PM

i feel like a piece of crap when im mugging, i dont know 405634052340423o302things, and have 4509506chapters to clear before CAs come. and CAs are like THIS NEAR. how great. =x and i think all my friends know 4053940645630 more things than i do. crap, this is pretty bad.

yes, i am SULKING! =((( and i strongly dislike something. i dislike being asked why, like why did i make such a decision and this and that. if i had wanted to tell you the reason, i'd have con't speaking. if not, dont ask, i dont think i'd really tell you even if you asked. or maybe i would, if i know you well enough =)))) but, if you think you're not going to like my ans, keep your question. =)))) yuppss.

and yes, i am sulking, and i miss my tribers, amanda and pretty s21 girls =x

2:39 PM

Yesterday I saw the sun shinin',
And the leaves were fallin' down softly,
My cold hands needed a warm, warm touch,
And I was thinkin' about you.

Here I am lookin' for signs of leaving,
You hold my hand, but do you really need me?
I guess it's time for me to let you go,
And I've been thinkin' about you,
I've been thinkin' about you.

When you sail across the ocean waters,
And you reach the other side safely,
Could you smile a little smile for me?
'cause I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you.

-norah jones, thinking about you.

hahaha, right now, im thinking of my java chip, ugly chicken pie and cream soup =)))) cream of corn please. =)))

Friday, February 23, 2007
10:20 PM

YAYYYS, i met my pretty s21 babes!!! all of us came, except yy, she's got too many things to clear and mug for apparently. jiayou! join us the next time! for kbox! we wanted to go kbox, but apparently, it's extremely costly on friday nights. =x so we had to change our plansssss. and in the end, we went to billy bombers! yummie milkshake!! and american brownie! and fish and chips!!! and anqi with her pretty brownie!!!
yummie yummie! and our future lawyer was talking to us about her modules. and one of them was criminal law, in short crim law. and me and yvonne were stunned. we were like huhhh, cream law? you study cream law??? hahahaha. so much for hungry girls!!! =p

some of the photos do look similar, but look CLOSER!! they aren't the same actually!!! hahaha, it's rather cute!! =)))

and as usual, everyone was made to photowhore with me! =)))) yes, you see 4 peishans. hahaha.

1:26 AM

hmmmm haha, had anat grp gathering today! sadly, i didnt take any photos! the usual crowd, plus special appearance by prof wu bingcheng! hahaha super funny. i kept asking him how much has he mugged. i think he's a confirmed candidate for distinction viva and dean's list alr. double confirm plus chop! and we went to damian's house, for a brief poker and blackjack session. hahaha, which was semi entertaining. i think u cld tell from the girls' expressions if our points were more than 21, v v v obvious. hahaha. and i kept losing $$, so sad, or rather, i kept losing chips. =xxxx hahaha but it was quite fun. and all 8 of us squeezed into zhenwei's poor little car to j8 to catch ghostrider. haha, not bad. better than pan's. haha but i want a romance comedy the next time!! a totally relaxing, romantic and brainless one, with a lovely ending!!! hahahaha.
and i met weiming to pass something to him so he cld pass it to j when he's in london. good luck to you for your interview!!!! please give me good news! and j! wait for your present from me and ade!!!!

oh and i was surfing the net and through my brother's music folder. and i found persis! and i heard that ever so familiar and lovely solo!! so i went on to find eagle bend! and i found it!!! oh my, i love it love it love it. makes me miss my squadmates, sectionmates and bandmates. am so totally not close to them anymore. pple. listen to this pretty piece!
and i remembered that lester lim told us a story to make the piece more touching! i think if we(squadmates) heard it live, we'd probably be extremely touched. =)))

Sunday, February 18, 2007
3:14 PM

yayy, i finally found the song!!!! after such a long time. this is so nice! =)))) hohohoho.

3:14 PM

hohohoh, as i said, my bai nianing is super duper slack! hahaha, here i am, sitting at home again =)))) hohohoh. yayyy. and yah, i forgot to wish everyone around me happy cny!! i forgot to send smses out this time round. haha so here it goes: HEY OINKS! happy cny to everyone, pls get more angbaos. those attached, you can consider giving singles some angbaos, hahaha, it'd be great. i'll be all happy to take them! dont worry, i wont be shy about it! =)))))) hahahaha. hmmmm, and we usually have new year wishes, here's the time for a change, cny wishes.

to tribers! LET'S MEET UP SOON! im sure all of us are deprived of shopping!!! and good food like orange bowl and uncle mobeen! and silly jokes, and lame comments.
chao mugger club!! once again, we've played excessively, it's time to resume business and remake friends with guyton, moore and this time round, WHEATERS, im sure he's not a dearfriend of ours now, but soon he will be. and pls, let's have a poker/jokes/gossip/mahjong/foosball/tabletennis/daidee/greysmarathon session soon. haha choose any of the above, or else im sure that guyton wont wanna be our friend.
my dearest anat grp!! i hope you guys change a target soon, like let's say, change it to zhiyong?? hahaha. or gerard lahh, also can. just not me anymore! if you all decide to change your target once and for all, i MAY consider being a perm scribe for pbl. isn't that a GREAT deal?
the kbox gang!! hohoho, i so miss you girls! and im so glad we're meeting up for more kbox soon! let's sing our hearts out and get high okay! =)))))

and to everyone else, i welcome angbaos from all sources, bakkwa as well, and pineapple tarts too. hahaha. =))))))

and yes! all tribers! can we have a tribe reunion dinner/lunch (oh my. doesnt that sound v survivor!) this week? say on saturday!! cher has kindly agreed to lend us her house, table and chairs, along with the steamboat thingy. so all we need are the girls and the ingredients! yayyy, will drop you guys an sms soon =))))))

3:14 PM

hohoho, my cny bai nianing is really a little slack. here i am rotting at home already. not too bad actually, because there's nothing much to say anyway. haha. i usually do all the smiling at my relatives only. hahaha. and my brother does the talking, half the people find talking to me very boring. because i only grin and say stuff like yah, okay, yupp. hahaha. not the typical peishan, but that's how it goes for cny! hahaha. and relatives.

but we started raiding all the goodies on the table at my uncle's place. it was quite paiseh, but no one cares, hahaha we just chionged right to the table, and the yummiest stuff there. hahaha. =)))))

hmmmm and we started discussing about anatomy. all because of mister potato on the can of potato chips. my brother was like, so what kind of eye movement is this and the innervation. and so blah blah blahh, the 3 of us were like silly people discussing about all the silly nerves and foramina and everything else. i think we went mad, after eating too much cny goodies. hahaha.

and we had bbq last night for reunion dinner. plus steamboat. i never knew anyone wld have a bbq for reunion dinner! hahaha but i liked the satay! i always love sataysssss. yummie!!!! but the cheese hotdogs werent that yummie. they aren't as cheesy as normal. hahaha. and we played cluedo!!! haha i've never played the boardgame version of cluedo before. i've only played the fright night version of cluedo, back in sn, during band camps. hahah but it was quite fun. and i realised i was quite silly, i didnt win any!

hahaha, but im sure i'll win a game or 2 soon! =))) happy cny to everyoneeeeeee. get more angbaos!
oh! and i just read j's blog! jy!!!!! i totally understand how you feel about greys! you're so addicted that you'd rather let an episode play on and fall asleep watching it, rather than telling yourself you'll con't the episode another day, off your comp and go to bed! haha i've fallen asleep halfway through greys so many times. and the next time round, i'd just watch the episode all over again!!! hahah i think we're mad about greys, but it's such a lovely show! hahahas.

Saturday, February 17, 2007
7:31 PM

hohoho, yesterday was mission 'crash anatomy practical2', but we sadly failed. =(((( because our lab techs were so hardworking that they were making rounds in the anatomy hall, asking for people's names and matric numbers! can you imagine it! matri numbers! so if we wanted to crash, we had to memorise someone else's matric no, which is just so sick. so in the end, we bummed around for 4 hours before going in for our own slot! hahaha. mathew and melvyn got thrown out of the hall. because they crashed the first slot and when slot 1 was over, they got thrown out promptly, argh. so sick right???? so, we con't confusing one another about the ANS for the next 4 hours. hahaha. which was like very confusing! hahaha. and when we went for practical, we were shocked at the number of pple in the anat hall. usually there are like ard 20 pple in there, and this time, there were like more than 50 pple. like WOWWW. hahaha. so we were like, huhh, this week. we dont even have our own cadaver! so we had to share them with someone else. hahaha. but anatomy practical this week was quite funny. we were all a little higher than usual. we kept laughing non stop at nothing. and i accidentally touched zhiyong's labcoat while climbing up the stool(in an attempt to show that i was taller than yijing). SO! zhiyong glared at me. and asked, ddiddd you touch the cadaver. i was like yahh. and he was like WHATTTT. haha oh no, im so so so sorry. =(((( i volunteered to wash his labcoat for him okay! hahaha. and for the rest of the practical session, he was full of weird comments like, so you wanna touch me again right? or you have design on me right? or, so you just want your hands all over me right? hahahaha. which was super ridiculous and funny. and me and the girls were like HUHHHH, hahaha.

and i did the silliest dare ever! oh my gosh. the initial dare was to lick the stick we use to poke the cadaver. which was outrageous and none of us did it. the next one was to touch our faces with our used gloves. LIKE WHAT!!!! hahaha. and so we modified it to be that we touch our faces with used gloves that are flipped over to the other side. i refused to do it. but zhenwei did it for 5 secs. so i had to follow suit, but i cheated, i did it for 1 sec! hahaha. and gerard! did it without flipping his gloves!!! i bet he only used to tips of the gloves to touch the stick! hahaha. that's why! hahahaha, okay, we're a sick bunch. the next time round, i will stick to yus and huipei and not do ridiculous things with the guys! hahaha.

yah! and the cny break IS HERE!!! official here!!! today's for reunion dinner =)))) wowww!! yayyy! yummie food and angbaos are on their way here! =))))) and since it's the year of the pigs! i went to google for pictures of them! they're pretty lame! haha but totally lovely! =)))))

hahaha! so cute right? i esp love the pig with the pearls and the wild boar in the pot! =)))))

7:31 PM

hahaha, my sad friend just told me how reunion dinners are boring, same old dinner at home! how come!! reunion dinners are happy dinners! one of the happiest family dinners of the year. where everyone hasn't got much work to complete and anticipates dinner! where everyone never forgets to come home for dinner! and not be late for dinner(everyone's usually late for dinner at for, at least for my family.) and no one frowns for dinner and eats lots of food. and there's abalone in the steamboat! hohohoho, and everyone adjorns to like the mahjong table after that. hahaha. i think reunion dinners are great, don't you think so? =)))) they ought to be! =))))

Thursday, February 15, 2007
7:31 PM

"and i'm gonna get stage fright
caught in the headlights
it's gonna be a long night
and i'm probably going to lose this fight"

hmmmm. i always have this feeling that some of us are not always as smiley and happy as we appear to be. stuff like i'm okay are things to say to stop those pple questioning. not because we dont wanna tell them, it's just that sometimes we dont know how to put it aptly, or we feel that they may not understand or may not wanna know what we wanna tell them. and we are afraid that what we said may be accidently misinterpreted and goes elsewhere in a different meaning. then we'll try to go on with life, and try to be a little more hardworking at everything else, we mug a little harder, shop a little more, eat a little more, and laugh a little more. hoping that unhappy things go away after a while. maybe it will. =))))

7:31 PM

"for some of you, the tongue is very impt today."

hahaha, this is what raj said at the start of the embryo lecture for the tongue and thyroid. he's so lame throughout the whole lecture. teasing everyone about valentine's day. haha but it was quite fun. haha and we had tutorial with him. and hahah, he kept saying that the most impt word was the day was "couple", haha, like moments of a couple, hahaha it's a pun! you know in terms of physics. turning forces, moments of a couple, 2 forces in opposite directions and moments of a couple in the context of vday. hahaha, and gerard kept forgetting about the word couple, so he was like the guy of the day to say the word couple. hahaha. what a lame tutorial and we ended early! =))))

but we had pbl after a short anat tutorial. and this time we went down to nuh paeds icu discussion room for our pbl. it was quite weird to be in the icu ward. what a sad day to have pbl though. =/

hohohoho. and i met my lovely ladies! beeks and ade! and we sn-girled! haha we talked a lot, gossiped, got high, shopped and neoprinted! how nice is that! haha but beeks didnt join us for shopping due to lack of funds. hahaha so ade and i went down to bugis for a shopping spree! i havent seen her in ages! and i love her tinkerbell tee, it's so so so pretty. it's 50bucks well spent. though it's a little costly. but our shopping trip was =(((((, much to our dismay. all the shops were selling the same type of clothes, retro v-neck empire, tie ribbon tops/dresses, of different colour, prints and material. we nearly fainted. SIGHSSSS, so we bought quite little. =((( major sighsss. but we met beeks for pizza hut! cheesy lava highness! if only j was here! she loves cheesy lava too!! wahahahahah, we shld eat more of those, those are happy food! and our summer veggie soup! hahaha. yummie and happy food. but im growing fat!

and. haha. the guys gave the girls roses in sch! both og guys and anat grp guys. and the 3 of us gave the girls flowers too! and i adopted gabriel's semi dead pink rose, hoping to save it, but i failed =((( so i had 4 dying flowers =(((( i guess i'll dry them! =))))) hahah.

Sunday, February 11, 2007
4:11 PM

hahaha. don't you think that this is really cute? i remember how i used to watch the carebears when i was young. we had videotapes then, and i had one of the carebear movies. there was some problem with the care-o-meter on care-a-lot land and i cant quite remember the other details, and my brother used to buy me carebear stickers! you know, those that come in a pack of 5 and you'll never know what you'll get! hahaha. come to think of it, he's quite nice to me arh. using his pocket money back then to get my those pretty stickers. and we used to paste them in an exercise book. and we never bought the sticker album that came with it! hahaha. it was really fun then! and my mom bought me a colouring book i guess. but i never coloured the pages, because i know that i suck at colour. and i will destroy the pretty book! haha. but i read it over and over again, and i rememeber it being sunshine bear's birthday. hahaha. how childish can i get! hahaha, but i really love them! haha. esp the pink carebear with 2 lollipops on its tummy. i cant remember its name though! =))))

AND! i didnt intend to pon sch, at least not raj's review for spots. but he cancelled his review videos, which was sad. and i didnt get to go to school in the end. so im too lazy to get out of my house to go down to artfriend to get materials to make vday presents. maybe i should bake, but i know i suck at baking and probably, my friends will have to eat stones and carbon pills after that. if i really wanna bake, i shld stick a carbon pill beneath the container of cookies(just in case). or i shld just get some famous amos, put them in a container and tell my friends i baked those. but given my baking skills, i think i'd be too unconvincing! hahaha. forget it. haha. i shall see how later! =))))

and ta-dah, here comes the picture of the week, or probably the month:

isn't it pretty? i stole it from getty images. i think they'll probably like sue me if they realised how many pictures i koped from their website. hahaha. like tonnes of pictures of pretty shoes, pretty pple and shopping! hahaha. and pretty dresses! haha. i must say they have wonderful photos! that's why i koped them! and this one is very very pretty! just like the one with the green tube dress and flowers! the one i liked a lot too! =))))) say yayys!

AND! i linked my anat group mates! at least those that i know they have a blog! hahaha. so proud of myself, and thanks to damian! that's how i knew where all their blogs are! =))) hohoho, and i wanted to remove the links for my photo pages. they're REALLY OLD, but i realised, if i remove them, i'd forget that my photobucket account actually exists!

haha, im blabbering. i think im getting and OCD. i keep blogging. i think it's because my comp's always on. and i'm always talkative and i hate mugging! hahaha.

and sometimes, i'd rather not know what i already know, because it's sad. =( and it makes me doubt the people around me. so i should pretend that i never found out. and just let it be. =( and also, i realised how i've been out of touch with people around me, esp those that i consider as really good friends. i think we're all just busy. and we aren't around enough to care about one another. the last person i saw was probably a med person, and the next person i'd see in the next 24 hours is prob a med person too. what about the rest of my friends, we're simply too busy, and it stinks!

4:11 PM

yayy. i watched grey's! episode 11-14! hohoho. it's so so so nice! i shan't say the details, because i guess those who havent watched it wont wanna know! hahaha. but my favourite guy in the show got married!!!! how sad is that! and no one told me he got married! but i think they're a cute couple! so YAYYYY! hahaha. and my favourite couple in the show patched up! so double YAYYY!!! hahahaha. it sounds vague, so as not to spoil anyone's greys watching. hahaha. tell me if you need the site to watch the episodes! yayyy. peis is high from watching greys. hahah. but the overdose of greys may send me into the postgreysanatomy syndrome, which isn't good. hahah.

"she goes left and you stay right"
very nice line from the song! hahaha, it's like a greys song, but it doesnt really happen in greys though. =x

Saturday, February 10, 2007
2:23 PM

hmmmm. im slacking around at home on a saturday afternoon! finally, there's NO MORE TUITION! hahahaha, i can throw my organic chem notes away!! or rather, keep them in the boxes again. haha. and my tuition kid just sms-ed. there's no mcq in her paper!! and she didnt know. oh my goodness gracious me. i'll keep my fingers crossed for her! oh gosh! hahaha.

and i helped my mom! bake her pineapple tarts! i still remember my prev baking, i baked sweet chocolate stones. which were supp to be cookies. and i was like erm, okay. i should stop baking for a while. hahaha.

hahaha, the unbaked. psuedo-nonya kueh looking pineapple tarts! hahaha. they look rather unlike pineapple tarts for some reason, but they're really really really yummie! hahaha. i think im gonna grow really fat after cny. haha.

yayy. and friday night was coffee night at tcc!
that's our happy food! yayyy.

and our 2 silly friends! hahaha.

and lil was trying to tell us how to got to velocity! haha it was a LONG STORY. hahaha. =))))

hmmmm. and i was thinking. i realised that peishan is a person who hate changes. i dislike changes in my life quite a bit. maybe that's the reason why i hate taking on new jobs. i remember how scared and unhappy i was when i had to start working last year. and when i took on the clinic job. i wanted to run away for like so so so many times. whereas, for relief teaching, it was quite okay. maybe because nj was a familiar envt with familiar pple. that's why i wasn't that afraid. it was like going back to school for normal lessons.

and how i dislike orientations. being a freshie. any freshie. like back in sn, nj, medicamp. and even like primary school and kindergarten. i would cry whenever i started new school when i was young. like when i had to change my kindergarten at the end of k2. it was like oh my gosh! why did this have to happen kind of thing. and i hated orientation quite a bit. i dislike sitting in circles, playing h20, and getting to know pple's names. i think it's quite fake. you're smiling away but maybe you dont like the new friends you have because you dont know them well enough. but it's fun being the ogl because you alr have friends there. and i dislike the first 2 days of orientation camp, where you dont know anyone well enough to say anything. you just smile and giggle your way through, hoping that orientation ends really soon and i'll go back and complain to my old friends on how i hate orientation and how i dont know those pple around me at all. i resisted changes in life, and new friends. for i always thought that new friends are never that nice. like medicamp. i wanted to runaway so much. but i made really good friends actually! and they're like nice pple whom i hang out with everyday now.

and like tuition assignments. i dislike having to change my lifestyle to take in a new student. to have to give them a bit of my time and to get used to them. because it means that i have to get to know an entire stranger and to teach that person. for a couple of hours everyday. to have to sit down with them and help them.

and like my nj class initially. seow xiao jie realised how badly i was coping initially. how i kind of didnt talk much, didnt eat much, didnt interact much. because i felt like changes were bad. i just disliked them. but when i got to know my s21 girls, and got used to them, it got quite different. peishan got a little higher and madder. and everyone thought that i was insane. haha.

haha. and how there's a new blogger thingy that i have to upgrade to and dont quite understand how to use but still have to use it. and the msn live messenger thingy. it's so complicated and so sickeningly different from the prev one and i have to learn how to use it. and change to it. and yahoo beta mail, i got so irritated with it that i decided to switch back to the original yahoo mail and not have to deal with the hassle of something new, and something to get used to all over again.

so maybe, new friends aren't always as bad as old friends, like the way i always thought. and that not all changes are bad. changes are constant. that's what pple always say. or some quote always read. it's just that i always think that changes are bad. and so are new friends. i doubt that part of me will change. but i'll get used to it. i guess. this is so random!!! haha.

and everyone! who listens to chinese songs! please go listen to tank's newest album! it's quite nice, you know! hahaha. lots of pretty songs in there.

and the corrs! they're back! with their latest album. but it's a compilation album, so i have most of the songs in the cd alr, but nonetheless, i think i will get it! they're like wowww to me. hahaha. they're a couple of new songs i guess. =)))))) and norah jones. i think this album sounds like the prev album quite a bit. at least for the song that i heard. but it's okay! she looks so so so pretty on the cover of her album! haha, seldom does she look so girlie and you know, dressed up and she's prettily clad in a nice little dress! like the cover of feels like home! haha =)))) yayyy.

12:36 AM

hmmmmm. this has been a really busy week. i gave tuition 4 days in a row, 8 hours of tuition in a week. totally totally tiring. haha. cant do this too often, i will faint. haha. but it's quite fun teaching chemistry. esp organic chem. i miss doing organic chem! haha. and it reminds me of nj! and s21. and chao mian. how i used to teach her organic chem!! haha. it's quite funny. she always gave me the 'huhhh' look and start scratching her head. haha.

AND! apparently, everyone thinks that the flu bug did some permanent damage to me. and left me a little more insane after that. haha. everyone feels that peishan's behaving weirdly and getting a little higher than usual all the time. well, peishan doesn't think that it's true and i'm perfectly fine actually. hahah =))) so, peishan is FINE. =))) im perfectly normal. yayy.

Thursday, February 08, 2007
12:11 AM

on a brighter note, here are the photos we took! haha.

shuxx busy at her practical report(due tmrrrr!!!)

haha. we can call her ms hardworking for now! =)))) jiayous! btw, she koped my calculator. haha. not that i need it though.

and ah li! hahaha. xueli has got lab report due tmr as well! oh no.

this woman looks happier though. hahaha. maybe coke and taro turnover makes pple happier. haha.

and these are the free pple! rj and peis. rotting away. and there's jo and mins too. latecomers aren't included in photos. that's why. =p

we're happy and freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

yayyy. mins and peis on the train! hahaha. i think the men in the background looks hilarious!!!! haha. nvm the men then. haha. look at the 2 pretty girls!

and rj! and mins! hahaha.

haha. yay. realised something? there are NO photos of cheryl! WOWWW. haha we only managed to take ONE photo with our dear girl and it's with rj! hahaha. it's quite weird huhhh. and i miss ALL my s21 babes, including those i didnt get to see tonight. sometimes, old friends are so wonderful! =))))) im determined to meet them for makan soon! very soon! and i'll make sure mins shows up, i hope! =))))

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
11:39 PM

hmmmmm. cheryl left. she just did. oh no, we're all pretty sad. each time a friend leaves, i really feel as if im growing up. we're all growing up, and trying hard to live our dreams in our own little ways. going away for studies, working and trying very hard to get things right. but it's sad when close friends go off elsewhere, away from our sides, to faraway places to study. sighs. =(

Saturday, February 03, 2007
10:39 PM

well, i think on certain days, you just feel like running away and not care about anything else. because some stuff are just unhappy. dont you think so?

and actually, i was quite glad when i knew that someone knew that my msn nick came from a pretty song from the corrs. =)))))

2:15 PM

yayyy, i realised i've been to lazy to blog =(((( i'm a lazy girl. hahaha. and everyone agrees that the fever bug ate me up quite a bit, and made me more insane. hahaha. no, it's so not true okay. im still as sane as ever! =))))) regardless of whatever bug came =))) okay. maybe that's not v true. hahahaha.

was supp to meet og pple for dinner last night, but the sms came when i was sleeping. so i missed it =(((( call me lazy, im sorry =xxxx but kenneth had food poisoning from his anat grp dimsum buffet, which was quite funny. hahahaha. okay, im mean. hahahahaha. while the rest were happy with their newton circus food. hahaha =))))

yayy. and it's the weekly anat grp outing on fridays! =)))) but our attendance is seriously dropping, from like 12 to like 10 to 7 this week! nononono, this cant be happenning. i hope more pple goes next week, so we can go settler's again =))))) so we lunched at holland v! and i ate holland v nasi lemak. sounds v he lan chun! hahahahaha, but it's not i guess. i remember jacs was looking for nasi lemak the prev time we were in holland v. which was quite funny. haha and we met jasmine's anat grp! but i think they went off to mug after lunch, which is v sad =(((( we shld never ever do that! it's bad for digestion! hahahaha. and we went to the pet shop again! haha this time round, peishan didnt knock into the glass! not as the guys were anticipating the accident again! hahahah. =))))) and we realised that cats have got lots of toys to choose from too!! which was quite cool, and they have nice looking canned food too! hahaha. and the dogs were pretttttty, but we started running away after realising that there was a stench coming out from them =(((((( and anthropology (is this how you spell it) is quite a cool place! with pretty stuff and even prettier price tags. haha, so we concluded that their stuff is meant for viewing purposes only! hahahaha. and we did the cheapo-est thing at nydc! 7 of us, sat down and order a plate of nachos! hahaha, so i guess the nydc pple despised us =((( and gave us cold cheese. we got angry! and we filled in a feedback form! intitated by zhenwei and seconded by huipei. hahaha. we used the cold cheese served to fill in the form and it was hilarious!! we all took photos of the feedback form but im too lazy to upload it! hahaa and huipei wrote the word 'cold' with cheese in the section for additional comments! hahahahaha, it was really hilarous!!! and i met manda at nydc!! hahaha, so highclass. go nydc for patuoing. hahaha, we must go shop soon okay!!! hahaha. and the most anticlimax thing came, we had to go back for anat practical =((( but it's a short and nice practical! which wasnt too bad =) and me and yus realised that guys dont care about hygiene at all!!! most of them just take off their gloves and do other stuff before washing their hands! like sms-ing in the anat hall. or even worse, writing notes with their gloves on after touching the cadavers. which is totally gross. hahaha. YUCKS! =x

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D