Saturday, January 27, 2007
10:51 PM

it's been 5 days and im still sick! i have this feeling that the nasty bug inside of me will eat me up soon =xxxx so gross. and i missed a lot a lot of sch, including 2 tutorials, which isn't too good. but i went back anat practical though. and i thought since i was going for prac, i might as well go for frs. but when i went to the library discussion room, everyone's jaws dropped. hahahah, i think they were quite amazed that i showed up. and no, i didnt make a special effort to go down for frs, it was more for anat practical. =)))

but i must say that i had more entertainment than learning in the anat hall. first, i was amused that they have 2 huge and pretty black LCD tvs in the anat hall. like what are they for. can they give one to me???? and in the middle of the practical, damian's gloves accidentally touched cindy's face and hair after he touched mr cadaver!!!! so disgusting!!!! and she had go wash up. and the lab techs were laughing at her. how poor thing. and gabriel brought an artifical skull model to the anat hall. what was weird was that he wrote little notes and hooked them through the openings of the skull, some of them being that it used to be the skull of elmo before big bird murdered him. whatever lah!!! haha, we think he's too stressed, hence, he's doing such stuff. =xxx gab! pls tell us if you feel like you're that elmo or feeling too stressed.
and cindy episode 2 of head and neck practical 3!! she tried to detach the 2 portions of the skull and the standing skeleton nearly fell apart, so as usual, the rest of the anat group walked away and pretended not to know her!! oh no. she's quite poor thing though. in the end, the lab tech took the entire thing down for her. hahahhh. we were quite shocked to see the standing skeleton lying down on the side-table.
and as usual, i was stoning during anat practical, because half the time, i pretend that i can see what everyone else can. =)) and i was enjoying my stoning session behind the guys. when mr zeng zhiyong, happily turned around with half a skull in my face. i nearly screamed. hahahha. and zhenwei was quite funny. she's sick arh, later she collapse, then you'll have to say her. haha. that was what he said. and i think damian or someone else was too happily watching everything happen. =xxxx

oh, and i heard that on wed, our amazing anat group's bingcheng actually defeated mr know-a-lot-from-guyton, j****. hahaa and as usual, some pple self-destructed. and mathew was nice enough to help me record the anat and pyhsio tutorials. the only thing was that i could only hear mat and zhenwei throughout the physio tutorial. they were having some discussions over the recorder and their voices are there all the time!!! oh gosh, haha quite funny though. and everyone recorded little msgs for me, and that was really nice =)))

and i wanna get well sooon!!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
9:10 PM

oh no, im sick. im down with fever, cough and flu. which is v v v bad. and wow, it's a whooping 39.6degrees. =(((( and i have 2 tutorials tmr. looks like i cant go for either, which is quite bad =(((

Sunday, January 21, 2007
4:50 PM

ermmm. dont you think that 'i dont know' is a seriously bad answer sometimes? no, most of the time, it is a bad ans. ROAR. =x

Saturday, January 20, 2007
9:56 PM

yayy. once again, i had anat outing on friday =)))) we went down to holland v this time round. and we makaned lunch at the hawker centre and went to the pet shop for a while. this may seem silly and retarded for an anat grp outing but we had fun. hahahahh. and we went off to settler's for 2 hours =))) playing totally retarded and brainless games. i blamed it on fengshui that i kept losing initially and demanded that i shld swop seats with mathew (because mat was winning all the way, it's unfair you see). and hmmmm. i didnt really win after that though. seriously, i dont know why. hahahss. but i conclude that my reflexes are slow, really slow. hahahss. and the funniest game was taboo. i started self-destructing in the middle of the game and i only had one card at the end of that round of taboo. wowww, that's a record. hahaha. and i pity yus and zhenwei, my 2 poor teammates. i think if they had a choice, they wldnt wanna be on my team =xxx because i self-destruct too much =x hahhahh. but it was fun! and we had a tie! 43cards each for 2 winning teams!!! we didnt lose, despite my self-destruction =)))))

and we went back for anat practical. how sad. we were complaining the entire way back. hahahss. but the practical was really short. i spent half the time talking to lilian. hahas. and only half the time at the cadavers, there weren't much to see. which was good. and most pple wld crash the first 2 slots for practical so the anat hall was pretty empty, but we still had raj =))))

og chilling at night =)))) hohoho, at balcony this time. but lydia, mathew and peishan were the 3 cheapos who drank coffee at the balcony. because it was one of the cheapest drinks on the menu. hahahh. and lilian drank the cheapest cocktail, which tasted exactly like vitagen, original flavour =)))) we're getting less and less people on every chilling session =x partly because ttt went off to bkk for a weekend getaway. but i guess we wont have many chilling sessions to come =x because the pros are coming =x which is BAD.

Thursday, January 18, 2007
12:39 AM

YAYYY, j and jacs made me v v v high! and we're going to EUROPE! with pretty tribers, i think this is too high! and too good to be true! i see tribers, and i see europe. so it's tribers+europe. how mad can this get! i want june to come NOW NOW NOW NOW NOWWWW. before that, i need my angbao money. and someone, calm me down and get me to read guyton. i have physio tutorial tmr, and i know nuts about what im supp to know. =x who cares, im HIGHHHHHHHHHH.

Sunday, January 14, 2007
3:43 PM

oh no, laura just told me that there's FRS tmr and day after. this is not good. i end at 4.45pm and 6pm respectively. someone, pls go drug the speakers' drinks with laxatives. lots of laxatives. or relaxants. or sleeping pills. anything so that FRS sessions will be cancelled!!! =xxxx

another reason to be medsoc pres: cancel all PBL, FRS and SMEC sessions. or postpone them infinitely. this is a brilliant idea! =))) i will vote for the next person who brings this up next time. =)))

Friday, January 12, 2007
11:55 PM

oh and did i mention that j's coming back for easter??? =))))))))))))) hohoho, which is SIMPLY GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT! =))))

but the sad thing is, ryl's gonna leave for aust soon =(((

11:55 PM

yayyyy. tgif! =))))) and week one of school's OVERRRRR. it's been a fun week. like everyone was getting high everyother day. =))))

we all went for og lunch on TUESDAY!!! i cant quite remember what we did on monday though. haha. cld be something fun, but i just cant remember. haha. we eat at a hk cafe on tuesday afternoon at vivo. not too bad! 7 of us came! but 6 of us were the unofficial members of chao mugger club =)))) hahaha. which was quite cool, but it's always the 6 of us you see! hahass. and we were all happy with our own food =))) yayy. say yayys to hk cafes =)) and yummie food =)))) and i saw my student! at vivo! hahaha. with a j1 girl i think. hahaha. it was quite funny. after that, all of us went into adidas and embarrassed ourselves by playing foosball. we were screaming at every goal and getting quite high. as usual, me and lydia were wayanging our way through. and lilian was quite pro at it!!!! haaha. =)))) and we started walking ard vivocity before we decided to go to lilian's hse for more foosball! and pool and the unofficial game of chao mugger club: POKER! hahahah. i seriously think we're becoming poker addicts. we get high at the sight of chips and a deck of cards. hahaha. which is quite fun! and we believe in going to the loo for a change of luck, which is v lame, but it WORKS! =)) try it! =)))) and initially the girls were winning, we had lots of biscuits(5bucks chips) and after the guys starting going to the loo, we started losing =(((( and eventually the guys won =(((( sighss. nvm! we'll win the next time! =))))

hohoho. and i had anat movie on friday =)))) sadly, we're on the last anat prac slot this time round so we have 4 hours to waste every friday. we ought to be mugging then, but who cares? at least not now =x so we went vivo for a movie! =)))) and quite a lot of us went! i was quite amazed =)))) and someone told me that Pan's Labyrinth wasn't horror. okay it wasnt really horror. but it was disturbing. and i was covering my face half the time. and zhenwei did nothing but laugh at me! no manners at all! the next anat movie! peishan will choose the movie to watch! i dont care! i want more happy shows!!!! and NO MORE HORROR!!!! hahahass. =xxx but it was quite fun though. hahah. =))))

Friday, January 05, 2007
11:14 PM

When the daylight's gone and you're on your own
And you need a friend just to be around
I will comfort you, I will take your hand
And I'll pull you through, I will understand
And you know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side
If life's standing still and your soul's confused
And you cannot find what road to choose
If you make mistakes (make mistakes)
You can't let me down (let me down)
I will still believe (still believe)
I will turn around
And you know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side
I'll be at your side
I'll be at your side
You know thatI'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm right there
I'll be at your side, I'll be right there for you
(Together we'll survive) through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your sideIf you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm at your side
I'll be right there for you
I'll be right there for you, yeah
I'm right at your side

at your side- corrs.

yayyy. the corrs made my day much better! =)))) this song's great =)))) wheeeeeeeeee.
and 4 of the chao muggers gathered at lydia's house today to enjoy the last of our holidays! ttt,kenneth,lydia and me!!! we played mahjong and poker and watch greys!!! and i won quite a bit for poker! in terms of chips that is. hahhaahahas. we're pretty hum pple and we're friendly pple who dont gamble with real money. hahaha =)))) hohoho. but it's fun! =))) i tried to convince them to get lunch at toapayoh central, but i failed, terribly =(((( hahahss.

and we watched 4 episodes of greys! greys madness we call this! seasonnnnnnn 3, i think. one of the first few times i sat down to watch an entire episode of greys. and 4 of them to be exact. i think izzie's hot, like elizabeth or jessica from sweet valley high kind of hot. and she looks like jessica simpson, the skinner version. merendith's hot too. haha i sound like some pervert here. haha oh no. mcdreamy's okay only. hahas. shall watch more greys soon! =)))

1:11 AM

somehow, i dont like the way im feeling right now. i feel a little sad. =( and i dont know why. =((((

Thursday, January 04, 2007
12:14 AM

oh, and i forgot all about my new year resolutions. hahahahah. yupp. so in this brand new year! peis will try her best to:

mug harder, i shall make better friends with guyton, babymoore and lippincott
not sleep in the med lib.
nor in LT29. i will PAY ATTENTION no matter how boring the lecture is
not pon school. i will go to school punctually, buy myself coffee and LISTEN to the lecture.
well, that shld make me chao mugger shan alr. =))))

and i will buy less shoes, wear what i alr have.
stop thinking that my brothers are idiots.
share the tv remote control
make peace at home
pack my room so that i can see my room floor
leave my keys in the box where they're supp to be. and not lose them.
open my letter box because that's what those keys are used for.
move the pc out of my room so that i wont be online ALL the time.
not sleep till noon on weekends.

try to be on time always.
be more friendly.
make less evil comments on everything ard me.
stop laughing like a retard at everything.
gossip less. gossiping isnt healthy. actually, i'm only concerned abt pple ard me.
talk less even. i think speak more than 4000words a day, which is a little too much.
yayy. and be kind to friends. and stop saying evil things (i know i've said that alr, but im really quite evil these days)
stop talking about myself in the 3rd person. peishan will TRY.
learn yoga/pilates/kickboxing/start running again. peishan IS getting FAT.
stop eating so much junk food.
and drink more water and eat more fruits! =))

yayys to 2007! =)))

12:14 AM

hohohoho, i went shopping with cher today! and cher bought lots of stuff, or rather, i influenced cher to buy lotsssss of stuff!!! like shorts and belts. haha i think im an evil girl. =)))) and i bought my female mag!! yayy, i saved money today! =(((( but nee and beek and jacs cldnt join us. =((( i hope we get to meet up again before sch starts! =))))

Monday, January 01, 2007
6:55 PM

yayy! say hi to 2007! and the first day of 2007's over ALREADY! hahaha. how fast was that. haha. spent the last of 2006 with s21 pple and tribers!!! 2 groups of WONDERFUL pple. haha. =)))

but sotong peishan is back in action again. i happily misled chaomian and gera and we missed the stop to weiming's house. because i was busy looking out for esso and polarcakeshop. and apparently, 163 doesnt go there anymore!!!! so we got lost. =((( and the bus went ALL the way to yck. WOWWWW, weiming stays in amk btw. so we missed a couple of stops and i con't insisting that we're not there yet. obviously, i got scolded by chao mian and we had to call weiming to ask for directions =(((( so embarrassing. i made 2 poorthings miss the stop with me and we had to cross over to the other side to get a bus to his house. im so sorrry. =((((( pls dont take bus with me anymore, i lousy with directions =(((((
hohoho, but quite a lot of us turned up at the gathering.

which was GREAT! (oh, rj held the papers up the moment i snapped, so yah. hahahaha) i saw so so so so many pple that i haven't seen in a while! pple like yvonne! gwen! gera! boyang!!! im sure yvonne was extremely happy!!! and he lost lots of weight! haha moses! you shld be glad that xueli wasnt there, or else she wld have boxed you!
and my darling chao miannnnnnn!!! =)))) hmmmm. and we played indian poker. which i happily lost. =(((( because i wasn't convinced by moses to change my card. because he lies SO SO SO much about what cards pple have. and in the end i had to drink =((( and rj lost the next round =((( but her forfeit was WORSE. she had to go to weiming's neighbour, press their doorbell and say happy new year to them =((( luckily! everyone ignored the doorbell. or else, i will feel quite sad for rj = and then we played TABOO!! i think i've played it so so so many times that i actually remember a lot of the taboo ans. which is quite funny. haha. but it was FUN! =)))) hohohoh.

and then, i met the SN GIRLS =)))) mahjong highness and hours of gossip =)))) hohoho, it was greeeeeeeeeeat meeting them. and we really talked a lot and caught up with one another!!! haha. and we commented on everyother soul on tv. haha. or rather me and yw commented on every other soul on television. haha. im sincerely sorry for any mean comments. i was a little high. and sleepy at the same time. hahaha. =))))) and we played mahjooooooooooong. for countless hours till 7am in the morning!!! hohoho. this is a NICEEEEEE way to start 2007 =))))

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D