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    layout: detonatedlove♥
    pictures: ohhspontaneityy
    stocks: _excentric_
    Saturday, December 30, 2006
    9:29 PM

    oh gosh. it's nearly the end of 2006 alr. it's been a year that seem to pass by really quickly. like a lot faster than 2005. maybe because it was yearlong mugging for As in 2005. but i missed 2005 a lot, maybe because i miss my nj classmates quite a bit. hahah. how we used to mug in class and poke fun at our tutors and giggling it through without telling our tutors what we were talking about and pissing them off. it was loads of fun then. hahah. every single tutor has told peishan off for talking in class before. so much for being a quiet girl. hahahahaha.

    and wow, 2006 came along. it was really all change for most of us. the guys went into army. HAHAHAH. and the girls had a long long long long long break. hahas. i was jobless initially. and i was lucky enough to find myself a clinic job. =))) at pfc. it was tiring, but quite fun at times and i learnt a great deal that helped me a little in med school. so i was quite grateful for the job =)))

    then i went back to nj! to relief teach! hahah. i guess it was the most enriching experience in the entire holiday! =))))))) it was really fun. hahaha. i skipped the morning assembly more as a relief teacher than as a student. i was always the sneaky girl trying all sorts of methods to get into the staff room during the national anthem and even brought a perm teacher who was late along. haha. i think she was quite amused by how i managed to find my way to the staff room without being seen by sharon phua or the principal. hahaha. and all the relief teachers gossiped nonstop about our students, other teachers and our batch of students. we will always gather at someone's table and take out a yearbook and start pointing at different pple and gossiping. haha. it was really fun. so we'll mark papers together, help each other collate marks, laugh at the scripts we get, complain about workload and stuff. haha. and i'll remember my students!!! one class nearly made me cry because of their noise level!!! i was like, oh no. what shld i do. they talk NONSTOP and really loudly. hahahas. but eventually, we made friends. haha. and it was nice =)))) and they're actually v cute kids. hahaas. and the other 2 classes were quite funny too. and i managed to teach 2 of my friends' sisters. which was quite funny. hahahas. =))))

    and i went to bkk with my travel kakis!! yiyun and gera. and i think yy got terrified of the way me and gera shopped. we were high on shopping every single day and low on visiting tourist attractions. haha. i think she felt cheated to have been on the same tour as me and gera. hahahaha. but it was really fun. we were like a smally little family travelling on our own and learinng to plan our trip and taking care of one another! i wanna go elsewhere with them again! and yy, i promise you lao gong, that i will shop less!!! and i cant believe that your other laopo is laura, my og mate!! nvm, we'll share one laogong for now. hahaha.

    then med school started. i remember how i told yw that i dreaded medicamp and how i wanted to pull out of attending medicamp 3 days before it started. i always dreaded new school and new friends. because i always felt that they arent like friends that i alr have. maybe like how i dreaded being in s21 initially. but eventually i fell in love with everyone(almost) in s21. and they were a really fun and caring bunch of pple. so in the end, i went for medicamp. haha. as usual, the begining wasnt that nice. but eventually, redridinghoods were quite nice! =))) we make great friends and great mugging pals in our own chao mugger club. hahahaha. we talk too much during lectures. either that, or we'll be sleeping. hahaha. who cares, right? and we chill and supper and gossip like nobody's business. and i think we're the og which pons lectures the most!!! haha, so it's really quite fun. though med sch gets a little unbearable at times =(((((

    well, i guess 2006 has been a pretty great year. i've done so many things i've never tried before. like teaching, travelling on my own, going through countless interviews for scholarships, looking for what i wanna do with my rest of my life, going into med school, hoping it's the right choice, making new friends, staying in touch with the old ones. i've been pretty happy the entire year, laughing too much for my own good again.
    and of course, sadness as well. knowing that j and jacs had to leave for studies elsewhere, and all of us having to go to new places and do new things. it gets a little hard at times. =((( and making some pple feel sad without knowing that im a mean girl. im sorry =((( maybe sometimes, some things just cant be the way we want them to be. but it's alright, they'll turn out fine.

    so, im grateful for whatever happened this year. i hope we all are. and may 2007 be another wonderful year. =))))))))))))))) everyone, pls enjoy countdown tmr! i love you guys. thanks for being who you are and being part of my 2006. =)))))

    twenty, yllsom.
    18sept 87

    unconditional desires.
    java chip. =D
    strawberry chocs.
    watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D