Saturday, December 30, 2006
9:29 PM

oh gosh. it's nearly the end of 2006 alr. it's been a year that seem to pass by really quickly. like a lot faster than 2005. maybe because it was yearlong mugging for As in 2005. but i missed 2005 a lot, maybe because i miss my nj classmates quite a bit. hahah. how we used to mug in class and poke fun at our tutors and giggling it through without telling our tutors what we were talking about and pissing them off. it was loads of fun then. hahah. every single tutor has told peishan off for talking in class before. so much for being a quiet girl. hahahahaha.

and wow, 2006 came along. it was really all change for most of us. the guys went into army. HAHAHAH. and the girls had a long long long long long break. hahas. i was jobless initially. and i was lucky enough to find myself a clinic job. =))) at pfc. it was tiring, but quite fun at times and i learnt a great deal that helped me a little in med school. so i was quite grateful for the job =)))

then i went back to nj! to relief teach! hahah. i guess it was the most enriching experience in the entire holiday! =))))))) it was really fun. hahaha. i skipped the morning assembly more as a relief teacher than as a student. i was always the sneaky girl trying all sorts of methods to get into the staff room during the national anthem and even brought a perm teacher who was late along. haha. i think she was quite amused by how i managed to find my way to the staff room without being seen by sharon phua or the principal. hahaha. and all the relief teachers gossiped nonstop about our students, other teachers and our batch of students. we will always gather at someone's table and take out a yearbook and start pointing at different pple and gossiping. haha. it was really fun. so we'll mark papers together, help each other collate marks, laugh at the scripts we get, complain about workload and stuff. haha. and i'll remember my students!!! one class nearly made me cry because of their noise level!!! i was like, oh no. what shld i do. they talk NONSTOP and really loudly. hahahas. but eventually, we made friends. haha. and it was nice =)))) and they're actually v cute kids. hahaas. and the other 2 classes were quite funny too. and i managed to teach 2 of my friends' sisters. which was quite funny. hahahas. =))))

and i went to bkk with my travel kakis!! yiyun and gera. and i think yy got terrified of the way me and gera shopped. we were high on shopping every single day and low on visiting tourist attractions. haha. i think she felt cheated to have been on the same tour as me and gera. hahahaha. but it was really fun. we were like a smally little family travelling on our own and learinng to plan our trip and taking care of one another! i wanna go elsewhere with them again! and yy, i promise you lao gong, that i will shop less!!! and i cant believe that your other laopo is laura, my og mate!! nvm, we'll share one laogong for now. hahaha.

then med school started. i remember how i told yw that i dreaded medicamp and how i wanted to pull out of attending medicamp 3 days before it started. i always dreaded new school and new friends. because i always felt that they arent like friends that i alr have. maybe like how i dreaded being in s21 initially. but eventually i fell in love with everyone(almost) in s21. and they were a really fun and caring bunch of pple. so in the end, i went for medicamp. haha. as usual, the begining wasnt that nice. but eventually, redridinghoods were quite nice! =))) we make great friends and great mugging pals in our own chao mugger club. hahahaha. we talk too much during lectures. either that, or we'll be sleeping. hahaha. who cares, right? and we chill and supper and gossip like nobody's business. and i think we're the og which pons lectures the most!!! haha, so it's really quite fun. though med sch gets a little unbearable at times =(((((

well, i guess 2006 has been a pretty great year. i've done so many things i've never tried before. like teaching, travelling on my own, going through countless interviews for scholarships, looking for what i wanna do with my rest of my life, going into med school, hoping it's the right choice, making new friends, staying in touch with the old ones. i've been pretty happy the entire year, laughing too much for my own good again.
and of course, sadness as well. knowing that j and jacs had to leave for studies elsewhere, and all of us having to go to new places and do new things. it gets a little hard at times. =((( and making some pple feel sad without knowing that im a mean girl. im sorry =((( maybe sometimes, some things just cant be the way we want them to be. but it's alright, they'll turn out fine.

so, im grateful for whatever happened this year. i hope we all are. and may 2007 be another wonderful year. =))))))))))))))) everyone, pls enjoy countdown tmr! i love you guys. thanks for being who you are and being part of my 2006. =)))))

12:13 AM

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, okay. i havent been posting LONG entries these days. shall make this as long as possible.

I MET THE TRIBERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, a couple of days ago. and we had settlers!! it's just plainnn fun and highness with 7 mad girls, our hongkong babe came and surprised us!!!! OH MY GOOSHHHHHHHHH yayyy. everyone say yayyy!! hahaha, im so glad she came back. makes us miss j more as well! =((( okay. anw, settlers was really really high. we played halli galli, with beeks, the gong gong queen who was ringing the bell ALL THE TIME. regardless of the no of fruits present. hahahass. silly girl, COUNT, my dear. hahah. and then we played FISCH MARKET!

so brainy game that requires you to use money to bid and auction for stuff and trade. nee won the MOST MONEY!!! CLAP FOR HER!! YAYYY. me and cher were quite good at it. we're pretty lousy actually. haha. yayy, my partner!! =))))
this is how all of us fared!! nee had 300plus points!! cher and i are the pink one!! cant remember our score though. =x

then we had cranium!!
it was sn girls' highness. we were damn high during cranium as well. and beeks is really little ms witty. she knows all those ans to the questions that no one understood! our scholar beeks is so so so so smart!!

yayyy. and our JACS!! and shihan!!!

and we played ugly dolls. this game where you HAVE TO SNATCH CARDS! imagine: 7mad girls grabbing for cards. it's too exciting for us actually. haha.

and our grp photo!! TRIBERS =))))))))))))))

and our last game!! some stuff that we have to make use of physics' moments law and balance those stuff!

yeaayyy. and then we left settlers to talk crap at food junction in holland v!! even talking was fun, because we havent seen one another for such a long long long long long long time! there was plenty of catching up to do!!! and it started raining. =(((( and ade lent me her umbrella! thank youuu, darling! or else i wld have gotten super duper drenched. =(((( hohoho.

and, i had og sleepover!! =))) hohoho. quite a few pple came! and lyd's hse is so cool! complete with projector and screen! we ate SEAWEED, chips, snacks, lots of junk and watched lakehse! national treasure and crash. i was asleep for half of crash =((( but lakehse is still as nice, and sweet!and national treasure is 1000times cooler that da vinci. but with spoilers like kenneth and mathew who kept telling us the story along the way. SIGHSS!! we really wanted to tape your mouths up! hahaha. and we played poker! the first time i had royal flush! OH WOWWW so cool right??? i was quite amazed too. haha, but then i lost all my money in the next round. haha. mathew had to lend me chips to keep the YEOS going. haha. it was really quite funny. and we got tired and started talking rubbish till i fell asleep. then we got up! ate macs, and i slept again. and woke up again and they were watching house. house is SUPER ADDICTIVE! haha. we watched it till 3 plus and decided to go home =)))

haha. and i met ah ryl, shuxx and xueli for dinner! at nydc! yummie food. pretty pple! we crapped and crapped and crapped. if only more of us went! then it wld be even better! =))) oh gosh, i really misss s21 pple! am looking fwd to 31deC!! =)))) smilesssss.

Thursday, December 28, 2006
12:12 AM

hmmmm, i just came home from mrs che's wake. she was our bio tutor for a short while back in j1. it was really quite sad seeing one of the teachers pass away like that. but i guess most of us would have been touched by how caring she was as a bio tutor. it was really strange to see such a nice person go away like that. and i guess all of us are pretty saddened by it. i guess many of us really wanted to cry at the service just now, but most of us held back our tears. and all of us from s21 didnt go forward to take a last look at her. well, i guess none of us wanted to see her like that though we all really miss her =((

Sunday, December 24, 2006
11:26 AM

haha, i've been to KL many many times but i've decided to take more photos this time. but most of my photos are silly ones. haha, of food. =))))

yayy. we went to c-jade express at midvalley mall. there's one at wisma too!! im so going there to eat yummie food again and again and again =)))

hohoho, daddy's yummie rice in a bucket. i thought i was the only silly girl who wanted pictures of food. but my parents entertained me by arranging the utensils nicely =))).

mommy's dessert. dont know what's this called. =xxx.

mine!!! it's yummie honeydew sago with icecream, it's really yummie!!! and daddy's red bean sometthing something. hahaha.

and say hi to mr and mrs gingerbread man!!! they're cute little things that've been made into softtoys!!! hahas. they arent that little actually. they're pretty big. hahass and they're LOVELY!! haha.

say hello to mr sotong tooo! and call me childish. haha i contemplated the thought of bringing it home actually. but no! there's no space for him! so he's still in KL!! =xxx haha

yayy. the ever so yummie a&w ice cream waffle. but there's no more a&w in spore. =((((((

and it so dong zhi! so the chinese restaurant gave us tang yuans =)))) hohoho, they have pink, green and white tang yuansss. haha =))))

and yummie hongkong cafe near the hotel!! haha. it's toast with curry chicken in it! =))))) hohoho. im growing fat frm all these yummie things =))))))

2:23 AM

oh and peis said this to a couple of pple a week ago, " i think i wont buy anymore heels for the time being, i dont wear them."

i'll take those words back for now. =xxx OH NOOOOO.

and im so sorry for leaving cher out of the links =((( im one silly blur girl =x

2:20 AM

yayy, im back from KL!! ohh. btw, im too lazy to send xmas cards this year. so im going to make use of my blog to send out my xmas wishes. if i leave your name out, im really really really sorry!! =xxxx

tribers: i love you guys. hmmm i guess the last time i saw you all was when jacs left. that was a long time ago. 9/9. i wonder when will i see all of you again. i mean ALL of you. and thanks for beliving in me that what im doing right now is what i've always wanted to do and giving me so much encouragement and support. =)))))
nee: hey shopping pal!! we really get damn high on shopping!! hahaha, but you're at ntu. so i seldom get to see you for shopping =((((((
ade: i havent see you in AGES. i guess the last time i saw you was on your birthday! that's like so so so so so so long ago!! i wanna see youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. and let's SHOP! with nee! and get high!
beeks: hahaha, we're 2 COMPULSIVE shoppers. we buy, buy, buy and buy. there's seriously something wrong with the 2 of us. let's make a new year resolution to buy less things!!!
cher: hey pretty lady!! haha, you're the only demure factor in the tribe! stay that way alright! and yes, we'll go get your white shorts soon!!
yw: oh gosh, we're both in nus. same area, but i seldom see you, babe. hahahas which is kind of sad. hahah, i remember how we gossiped our way through medicamp. haha it was FUNNNN!!
j : i miss you, london babe!!! i wish you were in this sunny island with us!
jacs: heyy!!! hk has yummie dimsum!! hope you're having lots of dimsum buffets there!! and i miss youuuuuu.
shih: my dear girl, i wanna see you mooooooooore. =))))

manda: hey darl!!!!! thanks for listening to me rant about anything and practically, everything. hahahass. everything seems terrible sometimes, but thanks for being there and bearing with me and my pms!!! hahass, i love youuuuu. *hugs*
jovina: hey babe!! i seldom see you ard =((((. let's meet up more for lunch okay??? and ms tallie, did you eat lots of long beans when you were young??? hahasss.

chao mian: my dear plate of noodles, i looooove youuuu. thanks for your e-card. i dont shop THAT much actually. hahahass. =))))) we used to sing xmas carols all year round in nj. hahas. and now we sing on msn. haha which is quite lame but totally fun!!!! hahass, thanks for falalalalala-ing along and entertaining me! and believing that im working hard enough!! hahass. =))))) let's go vivo soon okay? i promise i will shop less! and actually, i wanna go to the museum, the real one. hahas i know you'll go with me. haha =)))
mins: hahaha, you're another of those poor things that i complain to day in day out. haha, i bet you must be thinking, 'oh shit, peis' complaining AGAIN.' hahah. thanks for being there!! =))) hahass, and stop pangsehing us okay?? you're really ms pangseh of s21 alr. hahahasss
lala: where are you, my dear girl??? =xxxx we all miss uuuuuuuuu.
rj: i think you thought that i went mad at the mng sale. i think i went mad too. i wont buy anymore stripe shirts. i think. i hope. hahasss. and enjoy yourself at cameron highlands! btw, hows joel yap?? hahaa, dont be shy.
ah seow: seow xiao jieeeeeeeeeee, hahas. we were 2 relief teachers who cld never stop bitching abt our idiotic students. hahahass. we both havent had time to meet up or talk for a long long long long time! i miss u!!! let's go kbox soon okay???
gwendolyna: hey hello kitty fan!!! i just received your card!! thankssssssss, haha we both get high on pink stuff and hello kitty. we're a little insane, but it's fun. hahass. remember, the next time you say hf, specify which hf. i was shocked the prev time when you told me that you were worried because hf didnt have a place in hostel. it means a whole lot of difference actually. hahasss.
yvonnmina: haha, i always see you in med lib! and we talk nonstop in medlib. haha i think the rest of the pple wants to box us, but who cares!! hahahas, and how's bobo???? hahass.
jasumina: hello pgp girl!! the last i heard of you was that some pgp guy was lending you some textbooks right? tsk tsk tsk. how is it going??? hahaahaha. =)))))
gera: hey travel kaki!! im so sorry that i was out of town and cldnt go for the xmas party. i hope it was fun!! =)))) hohoho. thanks for being such a nice companion during bkk trip. hahahsss. let's go elsewhere soon okay??? take care, love ya.
yiyun: LAO GONG!! ni hao mah??? hao jiu bu jian le! xiang wo ma??? haha. you're one hilarious girl who keeps sending ugly photos of me in unglam poses trying to blackmail me! haha.bleahs. doesnt work, i havent been glam in all my 19 years. hahah. doesnt make a difference. haha. anw. my other travel kaki! we shall explore new grounds soon okay?? bkk was really GREAT. haha but i think gera and i killed you with those shopping. =x hahaha but it was fun!! 3 of us rock!! =)))
shuxx: hey! thanks for saving me the other time and lending me your stuff. hahah, or else i wldnt have been able to get into my lab session. hahass =)))
cheryl z: thanks for the xmas card. oh no. you're leaving for aust soon. i'll miss you!! let's go out soon okay???
weiming: eh, dont worry okay?? im sure a med sch will want you for sure, smartie pants!!
bobo: eh! how's yvonne?? dont be shy!! hahasss.
silly moses: i really pity your gf!! hahahas, so poor thing. oh my gosh. =xxxxxxx pls be nice to her.
kengmeng: take care of your back injury okay?? get well soon!
rest of s21: my darlings, i havent spoken to the rest of you in AGES. i wanna see you all!! =)))))))

redridinghoods: haha, frankly speaking. i think it's a lame og name. haha. but we're one NOISY og. haha pple are complaining about our noise level. hahass too bad. we're having fun acutally.
lydia: heyy!! haha, thanks for being there!! and thank your grand councillor for me! for lending me baby guyton. haha it's useful for CAs. haha for a lazy peis. hahass. hmmmm, we shall mug hard and drink more coffee.
lilian: heyy pretty!! hahass, i know you love chicken chop and banana milkshake. hahas, and yummie chocs!! hahass. we either pon class or sleep in lectures. we're bad influence for each other. haha.
laura: thanks for the xmas card! i know i always say hen hao. haha i shall cut down on that. and my 'no manners' as well. hahass. =xxx so paiseh. haha.
grace: hey girl! you're diligent in making notes!! unlike me! hahahas. influence me positively okay??? haha, and your snell is still at my place!!
jaschua: hey! hahas, i always sleep in the library horr? and i always fall down right? so embarrassing, you always witness my clumsiness =((( so paiseh. hahas.
kenneth: stop eating so many pandadols. remember your detox. and you're one smart guy who remembers the ENTIRE baby moore. seriously, you're insane. hahass. and you shop like a girl! hahass.
tzetong: hey! your ipod rocks! with britney's songs! hahaha send them to me okay?? hahass they're nice songs! and yes, you have the same pretty bday as meeeeeee. hahah. and your physio is really WOWWW. hahas, does diffusion work if i sit beside you for physio lects???

RTs: hahah, we're a bunch of underaged in the nj staff room, gossiping abt others with a yearbook in hand. and complaining about our students after every class. hmmm, and perm teachers shld NOT sit as our tables and hold discussions there like it's their table!
charmaine: thanks for showing me ard when i just came! hahas, and showing each other the silly kind of things that student write! haha, they're really amusing at times. hahass. we nv knew that chemistry was like that. hahahas.
erica: i know you want to stop attracting weird guys as well. i'll keep for fingers crossed for you! hahahas, and zhou de cheng is one funny neighbour of yours. haha. and i remember he nearly pushed charmaine into the drain by opening the staff room window when charmaine forgot her access card into the staff room.
wendy: heyy! hahas, you only came back for a short while but it was fun! more pple to lunch and gossip with. but you and erica had terrbile time tables and charmaine and i had pretty ones. hahass.
colina: i came and you left =xxx so sad. but im glad we met up for RT lunch! =))))
grace and guoyu: hey!! you 2 are the TAs described by silly mr teo as toilet assistants. and you have terrible jobs of setting test papers, taking over IP teachers and marking testpapers. and lowly paid. oh no, nj's mean. hahass.

AND!! daddy and mommy: thanks for tolerating my bad temper!! i know im a terrible girl. =xxxx and i will shop less! and mug more!! i LOVE YOU TWOOOO.
my brothers: you know what? sometimes i really hate the 2 of you. and i think i love you all twice as much at the same time. we talk about trash most of the time, but we talk a lot. let's share the remote control and make peace. hahahs. talking to you all on the night before my papers really helps destress quite a bit! =))))

okay, if i leave anyone out, i'm really really really sorry =xxxxx merry xmas to everyoneeeeeeeeeeeee of us. and take care!! i love you all!!

Monday, December 18, 2006
1:47 AM

yayy!! peis changed her blogskin!!! she's really free and BORED. hahasss. so a new blog skin is it! hahahasss, the font's a little small. but it's a pretty layout. so strain your eyes, my darlings. hahasss. there's only half a month left for 2006!! =((( dont you think this year went by a little quickly???? and pls! stop raining =((((

Sunday, December 17, 2006
2:36 PM

heyyy!! a little something (advertisement) for our ever dearest jacs!! in hk!! =)))

hey! check out my friends's yahoo auction! @ lots of clothes bought from mongkok in HongKong this year! brand new, trendy, and cheap!!!most items are under $15! (even for the espirt ones!!! ) other items include bracelets, beauty products, o-level, a-level TYS etc.

go take a look okay! =))))

hohoho, merry xmas in advance. =)

Saturday, December 16, 2006
10:19 PM

hohohooh, i went shopping AGAIN. this time it's xmas shopping. we all need to get some presents for nice pple, dont we??? haha. but in the end. i didnt manage to get anything. but it's alrightssss. xmas is still 1 week away. hahasss.

but something really brightened out my day!!! haha my brother and sis-in-law sent us an email from overseas with a photo attaached. hahaha. i didnt know that i'll actually miss the 2 of them at all. haha =)))))))

say yayys to the brilliant holidays!!!

and i wanna sing deck the halls with char char! =x

Thursday, December 14, 2006
10:04 PM

okayyy. i declare myself totally broke!!! mango sale-d with rj yesterday. and i think rj thought that peis went mad. we stayed in mng for more than 2 hours i guess. and i fished out tonnes and tonnes of clothings and bags that rj got a little scared of me!! hahasss. in the end, i bought tonnes and tonnes of stuff. tops, bottoms, bags. and the prev day, i bought quite a bit of stuff with nee as well. and i think all my friends think that im mad now. actually, i think that i'm pretty insane as well. i shld stop shopping like this soon. it's getting unhealthy. hahahhahah. but, who cares???? =)))))

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
8:55 PM

hohoho. i shopped so much that i feel as if my legs are going to fall apart!!! (which is great, actually!!!)

met nee and beeks for shopping today! as usual, we were all late. haha so we pushed the meeting time back by half an hr. but still, beeks came much much later. and nee and i were starving alr. so we had the ever so yummie fareast chicken rice for lunch!!! =)))) and i happily bought a f21 top!! which has apples on it!!! hohoho, how happy is that for a top!!!! hahahass, and i bought white shorts!! my white shorts, haha i finally bought them. and a new pretty bag!!! hohohohooh i am so so so high!!! shopping makes pple happy!!! and nees bought a pair of 10bucks heels from hula and co! hahas. pretty and cheap! which is G-R-E-A-T!!! and i bought the wrap skirt that i wanted =)))))))))) hohohohoho. so i shopped a lot a lot, bought a lot a lot. but didnt buy what i intended to buy. which are shoes and a wallet. well, maybe no more shoes for me!! i always wear slippers anw. =))))) i'm HIGHHHH

12:08 AM

hahah, i wanted to read j's blog. but it said only for invited readers. for a moment, i was sad, i thought j didnt like me anymooooooooooooore. hahaha.
but she told me she hasnt invited anyone yet. so yayy, j doesnt like anyone for now!!!

okay, this is one childish post. =p

12:08 AM

hohoho. say YAYYY!! my holidays are finally here!! deck the halls with boughs of holly, falalalallala. haha i remember singing this all year round back in nj and forcing char to sing with me. haha. =))))) and chao mian!!! haha she just sent me a hilarious xmas card about how i will go shopping on and on and on and on for xmas. no, my dear, i wont! dont worry. but you're coming to vivocity with me one of these days!!!! you HAVE to! i'll make sure i'll drag you there!!! hahass =))))

hohoho. and we went for friday night chilling session! at cine TCC. town was P-A-C-K-E-D. hahass. and we ate and talked and drank and ate and talked. which was quite fun. it's been a while since we've stopped talking about anat, physio and biochem and talked about ourselves. hahass and anat results were out on the day itself!! and im glad i passed. we have prof peh who's got 98% and prof long with 80%, what kind of brains do they have????? and physio results are out today as well. i hope i passed. only 1 person failed though. what kind of mad cohort do we have???? oh gosh!!! but im just glad that CAs are over. =)))))))) and i want MORE chilling sessions and i promise i will bring my camera to take pretty photos!!! and thanks lyd! for offering to shop with me to get stuff for my brother's wedding. =))))) and i know you accidentally failed driving again. no worries. u'll pass the next time!!! =))))) jiayou!!!

and yayyy. my brother's wedding's over!!! it was pretty nice!! =))) saw prof low, and my prev clinic manager. which i happily avoided before they saw me. wahahaha. ain't i glad??? or else, i dont know what kind of questions i wld have to ans again =xxxx but the bride was pretty n the groom was wow!! hahasss. =))))) ask me if you wanna see the pretty photos!! have decided not to post them up!=xxxx. am lazy =)))) hohoohoho.

yayyy and i spent the whole of sunday and monday sleeping in. which is GREAT!! i havent slept for such long hours in days. hahass. and i you-tubed. i swear i'd die without youtube. haha, gwen too!! she was freaking out because her youtube videos didnt load!!! hahaha. i think if youtube's gone, both of us will just kill ourselves. scv's no longer enough for us. hahass. we're sick tv junkies. hahahasss.

hohoho am shopping with nee tmr. yw cant come because of clinicals and ade cld be joining us later. i hope she joins us!! i wanna see her!! been a long long time since i last saw her! and mango sale's starting on 14dec if im not wrong!!!! so let's all chiong to mango!!! =)))))))) hohohohoo.

okay, you can see how desperately peis need to talk by the length of her post and PEIS IS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *applause pls* =))))))))))) hohohooh

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
10:26 PM

i want friday to COME!!!!!!!!!
more specifically, friday 10am!! then i'd be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Sunday, December 03, 2006
2:14 AM

oh, and my mom made me really happy by giving me some wisma vouchers and a wisma card!! haha, yayys!! but i have to wait a week before i can use them =(((( as usual, i've alr made 10001 plans on how to make use of those vouchers. hahahasss. the thought of it makes me pretty happy though. i need to shop. =xxxx

2:14 AM

haha, a little something from the girl who's going mad.

haha, dont you think this is totally retarded but extremely amusing??? it says rub me on your butt!!! haha.

hahaha and THISSSS!! the bread's so totally cute. and finally, this is the BEST ONE!!!

hahahaha. how cute can this silly brown bear get!! oh my, i love these. and they're teeshirt designs from, looks like im gonna go broke a-g-a-i-n. =)))) seriously, i think im self-entertaining, as always! =)))))

have a great sunday, (mugging)!

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D