Wednesday, November 29, 2006
7:59 PM

when a box of frozz reads: excessive consumption has laxative effect, they REALLY MEAN IT. and you'd better believe it, because i didnt. =((( and sighs.

haha, but im quite amused by myself. though it's quite a silly thing to do. haha.

Monday, November 27, 2006
1:48 AM

hahaha, talking to andy is damn entertaining. and i've just given him the task of entertaining me on a daily basis till my exams end. i hope this relieves my stress. hahass.

oh btw, i wanna go genting!!! pple, do join me! esp my pretty s21 babes. =))) we'll get high! (as usual). hahass. and class outing! it shld be on 16dec. but im not sure yet. will confirm again. =)))

all those pretty darlings out there, mug hard. for those who are done with their papers, play hard. and my darling tribers overseas, you're not cold and lonely(though winter's here), you're missed!! i miss those 2 pretty girls. enjoy your winter!!! i wanna wear pretty trenchcoats, ear muffs and scarves too. hohohoh, peishan is thinking too much again.

Saturday, November 25, 2006
1:39 PM

hmmmm, a cup of hot coffee, a raining saturday afternoon (it was bright and cheery just now, really!), my biochem notes and a norah jones cd.

my afternoon seems a lot better. =) yayyys. here's some norah jones for muggers =)) like me!

What am I to you
Tell me darling true
To me you are the sea
Fast as you can be
And deep the shade of blue
When you're feeling low
To whom else do you go
See I cry if you hurt
I'd give you my last shirt
Because I love you so
If my sky should fall
Would you even call
Opened up my heart
I never want to part
I'm giving you the ball
When I look in your eyes
I can feel the butterflies
I love you when you're blue
Tell me darlin' true
What am I to you
Yeah well if my sky should fall
Would you even call
Opened up my heart
Never wanna part I'm giving you the ball
When I look in your eyes
I can feel the butterflies
Could you find a love in me
Could you carve me in a tree
Don't fill my heart with lies
I will you love when you're blue
- norah jones.

but apparently, none of us are having happy blog entries. i think the exams are killing us.

1:39 PM

it's such a bright and cheery afternoon. say wowww. =(

Thursday, November 23, 2006
what do you want me to say. 12:00 AM

wells, i realised that everyweek there's bound to be a post where i am WHINING. seriously, =x. but well, maybe i dont care.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
11:03 PM

wheeeeeeeee, it's TUESDAY! and i had clinical exposure today!!! oh my gosh, it's quite fun. hahass. and dr lim is super super super pretty!!! oh my gosh!! and she's one of those doctors that had sars and recovered fully. she's really really really pretty. hahass. my anat grp was like, hmmm we shld have taken a group photo with her. because she's so pretty. hahass. seems like i didnt learn much from my clinical exposure except that dr lim's really pretty. but wells, i did learn some stuff. hahas. it's pretty different when you read from guyton that a patient will have certain symptoms when certain conditions arise and when the person himself tells you that he actually experiences such stuff and hence, deduce the condition. so wowww, it's quite fun! and she's like colin song no.2, she processes info really quickly and thinks really quickly as well. like wowww. organised, and efficient. hahsss. so exciting. makes physio seem a little more interesting. hahahas. =))) yayys, we shld have more pdcp, with with dr lim!!! hohohoho. =))) okay, i think i sound like a chee ko pek. hahas =ppp

Monday, November 20, 2006
11:36 PM

alright, a brand new week! hohohoh.

hmmm, last night, mins was telling me that she's got a paper today, and it's some 2.5 hour thing. and i happily thought that it was her first paper, because she sounded a little nervous, and she told me her paper starts at 9am. so i happily sms-ed her, shihui and gera at 8plus this morning. saying a whole lot of crap that wowww, it's their first paper at ntu, how exciting and must do well kind of crap. then one by one, they replied me. and how great! it's not their first paper. how embarrassing. as mins replied, "that's 3 laughing bunnies", laughing at their dearest blur queen, peishan. oh no. hahas. but, i meant well! i hope you guys do well. i hope i dont do too badly too. hohohoho. and peis will be less blur from today. hahasss.

and i mugged with amanda and her friend, alex today! in math honours room. i guess that's what u call that room. med lib was a little too scary for mugging. almost the entire lib was filled with pple who were totally caught up in their mugging. i was like oh no, what shld i do? it was quite scary. so i decided to move elsewhere to mug for a little while. hahass. which wasnt too bad. but peishan+amanda = chatting. hahass. but it was nice =)))) and we did mug! hahass.

and on my way home on 105, i saw the pretty xmas lights. they're gold and glitzy this year. i always thought only silver lights look pretty. but gold lights are pretty too. haha. makes me forget about those stressful mugging and idiotic crap from work. yayys. am towning with mommy tmr evening to get some stuff. i SHLD BRING MY CAMERA! yayy! i love xmas lights, but i dont quite enjoy seeing them on a bus. i wanna get off the bus and look at those pretty lights and walk down orchard road! that's N-I-C-E-R!

oh, and i made a bet with my pbl group mates that i wouldn't skip my pbl session tmr. or else i will officially become the new pbl rep. oh no. hahass. that's TERRIBLE, so that means i must appear in sch by 1030 tmr. =(((((

Saturday, November 18, 2006
6:28 PM

seriously, i feel like throwing my books away. anyone else wanna join me?? =))))

Friday, November 17, 2006
11:51 PM

oh btw, peishan's taking too little photos these days. used to take lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures back in sn days, nj days and blah blah blah. so i will try and remember to bring my camera!! take photo with me okay!! hahass. be nice!! =)))))

11:50 PM

hmmmm tgif, as colin song puts it. i'm sure im glad it's friday. one weekend closer to my papers and yayys. here i am, s-l-a-c-k-i-n-g. hahaasss. say wowwwww.

hmmm wanted to blog more yesterday, but i was too tired. met amanda yesterday for dinner at amk. haha, the day before, she was telling me it's been some time since we've met up. and tadahhhhh. we met up for dinner!! hahasss. =))) and i sat in amanda's pretty red car. ehh, you're quite a safe driver, dont worry. haha at least i didnt puke. and as my mom puts it, dont talk so much on the car arh, you and amanda arh, talk talk talk, must remember to watch the traffic. hahahass. that's amanda and peishan for you. 2 extremely muddle-headed girls who never ever know where they are going. most of the time, when we're in town, we'll wanna go far east. but somehow or rather, we'll end up in hereen before we know it. and it's all because we're talking and talking and talking away. hahahass. and we're 2 compulsive shoppers that cannot shop together too often. we indulge in buying things and convinicing each other to buy things. hahahss. i cant wait for CAs to be over, then we can go shopping!! guilt-free shopping. hahass. nonetheless, shopaholics amanda and peis still managed to buy things in amk!!! WOWWW. amanda was more normal, she bought snacks. peishan actually bought a top!! and hairdye. hahahass. =xxxxx hahass. how sinful, but it's FUN!! =)))) hohohoho.

and today, during pbl, i think i pissed colin song off by telling him some crap about what i had to research on. so i think he got quite irritated and he caught me sms-ing when he was summing up the case. so he targeted me and asked me some horribly, terrible question that made me go huhhhh. and huipei cldnt save me either. then damian started whispering ans from the back. and our ever dearest pbl tutor was damn mean!!! he said i have to think of a way in my 5 years of med sch, to make damian invisible so i can bring him for my final mbbs!! argh. hahaas. so mean okay!! but i think gerard suffered a more miserable fate. hahahas. he got targeted for every single part of the anatomy of the heart. i pity our poor pbl rep. hahaahss. but yayys. the loke guy's coming back =)))) which is quite good.

and, i think lilian said something like this to me sometime ago, and i thought of it today. some pple say some stuff that don't mean anything at all. it's still okay, you know. but some other pple choose to say stuff when they dont know if it's mean to others. hahaha. something like that, cant quite remember. hahass. but i think it's TRUE!!! dont say mean things to friends!! it's not quite your business if some pple decide to do some things or not do some things. they dont have to tell you why, not at all.

hohohoo. nonetheless, friday nights are happy. hahass. say hello to the pretty weekend!!

12:02 AM

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
Ooh, oohI would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you
But I know you won't be there
Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to this, oooh
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back
Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, ohh
If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that I've missed you
Since you've been away
Ooh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Christina Aguilera - Hurt

hmmm, this is a real sad song. but it's a beautiful song. go listen to it!!!! she sings it really really really nicely. =)))) have a nice thursday night.
hohoho. and i took 88 today. been a long time since i took 88. since those sn days. hahass. pinafore and white sch shoes. i miss those days. 4u,3u,2j,1j,. pretty classmates, yummie canteen food and some v nice teachers. i wanna see them again!

Saturday, November 11, 2006
12:08 AM

oh no. school is stressful, irritating and sad.

how nice, some pple are. =

Monday, November 06, 2006
12:30 AM

hohoho, i just replied tags and flooded my own tagboard with my own messages. that's pretty retarded. but, who cares? but i really miss my tribers. esp when 2 tribers overseas tagged me at the same time. it's sad when sn days are gone and we're all mugging our asses off for CAs. im going to say this again: whoever told me uni was easy, go and DIE. or lao sai for 10 days at least. argh. it's nowhere near easy. all of us are dying. whichever course, whichever faculty. =ppppppp hohoho. cant wait for my break in jun to come! then i can meet everyone in the tribe. i hope both j and jacs will be back in this sunny little island. hahasss. and j can eat her wanton mee! i'll buy you a plate of it! with rojak, laksa and everything else!! hahasss. in the meantime, you 2 girls wear more clothes, trench coats, jackets, sweaters, blah blah blah!! winter's coming, right? you get winter and peis get the monsoon season in dec!!! how lame. now, i have to ditch those slippery slippers and get proper ones, before i fall flat on my face and look silly. hahsss. =)))

once again, my sunday's gone. =(((( which is bad. because CAs are 1 week nearer again. not 5 weeks, but 4!! wow, how nice. hahahhs.

Saturday, November 04, 2006
12:59 AM

alrighty, pretty friday is here again!! TGIF!!!!

and before 3rd nov is gone in london, here's HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DARLING JIAYAN!!!! dear j, i miss you. enjoy your birthday. the tribe misses you alot alot alot alot. i cant wait for you to be back! so we can bbq, eat ice-lollies, blade, badminton, slack, swim, tan, luge, sn orange bowl and everything else! this little sunny island is weird with 2 tribers missing.

anws, i woke up terribly late for school today. i intended to skip the 2 lectures, but i didnt intend to skip my anat practical. but i was a terrible girl and woke up at 10.35am in the morning. my anat prac starts at noon. i take about an hour to get to nus. oh crap!!! and so, i had to get lydia to rescue me and let me crash her practical time slot at 2. but i must admit that tutors at my timeslots are beter. bay's damn good, so is ling. the 3rd slot, not really. they're okay, but they dont render as much help and spoonfeed as much clinical stuff. so i will make it a point not to miss anymore of my anat practicals. hahahass. and stop laughing at me for oversleeping!! though it's quite silly. i need moooooooooooooore alarm clocks!! hahahasss

and after school, we went down to pg books. i wanted to get babyguyton. melvyn told me it's 25bucks. and so yayys. it's cheap enough to get for a last min exam revision thing. but when we were at pg books, i realised that it's 50bucks. thats like double the price. and so i didnt get it. and kenneth got his and lydia got mcminns. hahass i may get my mcminns eventually. because i cant remember how the cadavers look like and spots will come in for CA2. which is BAD. hahahsss. wells, shall see. i dont even have time to read what i have now. but when i came home, i ask melvyn again. he told me again that babyguyton's only 25bucks at researchbooks. oh crap. hahasss. so how? hahass.

and after that, we went to lydia's! and we played mahjong and table tennis. hahahsss i suck at mahjong pretty much. but it's great to unwind and not read my guyton on a friday afternoon. it's good rest. hahahasss. and we ate so so so so much junkfood that i feel a little sinful. hahah but it's nice. hahass. and then we played table tennis. lydia's such a pro!!! hahaha. i dare not play against her. i bet she'll kill me.

and!! our day didnt end like that!! we end down to settler's at about 10. and self-amused with taboo, some fruity-psuedo heartattack game. hahahass. we didnt stay there for a very long time, but it was funnn!!! haha shld go there with more og mates!! =)))

yayys, fridays are happy days.

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D