Wednesday, September 27, 2006
3:11 PM

yayyss. kbox rocks!! s21 girls rocks!! hahass. continous highness from 2plus till 6. hahass. until the silly guy came in and gave us our bill.hahass. we were super duper extremely high for those 3plus hoursssss. sang silly songs, happy songs, sad songs, new songs and high songs. hahass. we must have been under tremendous stress. haahaha. venting all our anger and stress on whatever songs that we chose. hahasss. and we still remember how to sing spice girls- wannabe!! that was like from the movie spice world in pri6!! hahahass. yvonne and i got really high. hahahss. and it was really really fun!! and we all got high during superstar and some old chinese songs that all of us knew how to sing. oh gosh, i really miss those nj girls. hahahass. and the really funny things we did back in nj. hahahahsss. =))))))) i wanna go there again! with you guys!! =))) and thanks for the bday celebration =)) and my fellow bday girl, ahseow!!! =))) hahahss. thanks for being ah seow and hear my complains about everything and anything!! =))))))

hoohooo. and when we were going home!! we saw a cute pink hippo with a pink skirt!! =))))
wheeee. say hi to her when you walk past citylink!! =)) haha.

Monday, September 25, 2006
12:03 AM

oh no. dear j left. she really left. SIGHSSS. 7/9 tribers left in spore, 3 of which at ntu, some at bt timah campus and somemore at nus main campus. we're really scattered everywhere. oh no. this is sad. =(((( we have to wait one entire year for another tribal council. or another bbq session. i miss j alr! =( and j, pls take care of yourself and your stuff!! and enjoy london!! =))) tell me if you meet some cute english guy. i promise i wont tell your mom or your dad or your sis!! =))) hahahss. we'll miss you =)) j rocks!! =)))

we met at changi airport to do j's present. tribers are pple with rubber timing!! we were supposed to meet at 4. but at 4, ade and i were still buying stuff at popular. the meeting time was delayed till 4.30. but!! at 3.50ish, we were still printing photos. hahas. so meeting time changed to 5. we reached at 5.05. NO ONE except poor yw was there. hahass. and everyone else came really really really late. haha. but we managed to put j's present together nicely!! and today's like a photowhoring session. we took tonnes and tonnes and tonnes of photos. with j not in most of them. weird, right? but it's fun!! it's been a LONG LONG time since we photowhored as sn girls =))) tribers rock, they really do! =)))

and!! the old photos reminded me of how ugly our hair were in the past, how silly we were and the silly and crazy stuff we did back in sn times. hahass. we ran to the canteen for recess hoping to be the first to buy orange bowls, beeks plucked leaves from the plants while walking back to class, being palm trees and refusing to move ard during capt's ball games, making sushilla damn irritated, shopping shopping and more shopping, ordering so much mashed potatoes at breeks that we couldnt finish (and they werent nice at all!!), cheering so darn loudly during track finals!(njcians never ever cheer that loudly, at least i dont) and so so so many more!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006
11:43 PM

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts I can see your dreams
I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you
The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time, every time
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes
Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

- Amazed, Lonestar

wheeeee, this song's really really really nice! and i wanna find the version by duncan james!! i saw the mtv the other day, but i just cant find it!! = sighsss.
yayys! met tribers today! for breakfast. "first tribe breakfast ever", quoting from nees. tribers are lazy girls who never ever wake up early enough to meet up for breakfast. hahas. =)))) but breakfasts rock!! esp when you're eating with tribers =))) hahass. tou hua shop!! havent been there for ages. nothing much changed. still the same as before. just that we grew older. hahas. but we still eat the same things there. and make the same comment that the ugly posters that blocks us off from seeing macs. hahass. it's retarded, but we enjoy pple-watching and waving to strangers in macs. it's retarded, but fun! =))) hahass.
hmmmm. and then it was house painting day!! i didnt realise that we were going to paint our living room till i came home!! =))) hahas. tiring but fun. okay. i only painted 2% of everything. hahass. im really really lazy. haha. eyepower and moral support is what peis does best! =)) but yayys! we have pretty and nice walls now!! =))))

Monday, September 18, 2006
9:10 PM

there are so so so so many many many reasons why my birthday was really really really GREAT!! i really love everyone!! =)))))
1. oh my gosh, charmaine lee chao mian actually remembered my birthday!! it's amazin'!! given the gong-ness of char (she's about as gong as i am about dates!)
2. my students remembered!! hahahahass. they actually remembered, i thought they asked for fun the other time
3. my day ended early!! i only had 4 lectures today and i ended at 1230!! =)))
4. nees and ade actually waited at my hse yesterday to give me a nice little surprise and a side of the pretty shoes!! =)))
5. and nees baked a pretty and yummy marble cheesecake!! =)))
6. i got another pretty pair of shoes!! from my lovely tribers!!
7. hahahass. tribers conspired with my OG pple to give me a surprise!! haha. u all really took me by surprise when j called my name as i was walking home. =)))) and i got the other half of my pretty diamante slippers =)))
8. og pple were really nice!! =))) they bought me and tzetong a cake and sang us bday songs!! =))) and we made nice wishes, everyone knows what wish did tzetong make though.
9. grace and laura knew my love for polkadots and give me a pair of pretty polkadots earrings!! in pink!! oh my gosh. hahahahs.
10. we had a yummy yummy triple cheesy factor meal at pizza hut!! =)) yummies. i wanna go back for more!! even though im really really bloated now
11. and amanda!! she bought that ever so so so pretty flamingo necklace that i thought was so nice but refused to buy. hahahas. thanks darling!!
12. and ade!! hahahass. i didnt know that you realised that i was trying that pairs of black shoes. i thought you were on the phone, know!! hahass. thanks dear!! =))))
13. and my og!!! thanks for the pretty cake, present and card. yes, i know i shop a lot =)))) i'll try and control myself from now on =))))
14. and weeming and tzetong and kenneth!! pple who keeps reminding me that i have to do my FA by midnight on IVLE tonight. if i forget, im seriously screwed. Koh DR will probably call me tmr and say that we need a little talk on how im doing in med sch. hahahahas.
15. yvonne and char!! thanks for meeting me today and saying happy birthday! that little talk was great!! it's like back in s21!! we MUST MUST MUST meet okay!! and go back to nj for a while and probably sit down for little talks again. i love you all!! =))) chao mian rocks.
16. yes, huimin!! you didnt get my bday date wrong. it's not 17sept!! you're not late. hahahas. you inherited gong-ness from chao mian too, i guess.
17. and yayys!! pple remember that i love moonflower and it's now extinct!! but i've got another bottle of it!! yayysss. thanksss a lot!!
18. and shujun!! thanks for remembering my bday!! though we've lost contact for so so so so long. i hope to see you soon!! jiayou, girl!!
19. and everyone else!!! thank you so so so so so much for your sms-es, msg-es and birthday wishes! =)))
yayys. 19 things that made my bday so so so great!! thank you everyone =)))) oh oh. and my family!! everyone rocks!! =)))

p/s: i've uploaded the photos for today and the many events before, like bkk trip, cher's bday, jacs farewell and many more. it's under LINKS. =))))

Sunday, September 17, 2006
10:04 PM

yayysss. today's GREAT =)))) since everyone will be pretty busy tmr, we went for family dinner today instead. ate countless xiao long baos at ding tai feng =)))) yayyss. xiao long baos are yummy =))) hahasss. been some time since everyone went out together for a meal. =))) yayyss. hahahss. and we went family shopping after that! =)) yayss and my mom sponsored a pretty pretty adidas jacket!! =)) yayys yayss. hohoho. finally got myself a v v v pretty jacket =)))) it's definitely useful in LT29, esp after 1-2 hours of lects =)))) hahahass. yayyss. hen haoooo.

hahass and when i was about to go home, nees called!!! apparently, tribers were waiting outside my hse. im so so so so so sorry. i didnt know. made you guys wait there. and esp sorry to tribers who had to leave before i could come home. sorrys =((( and thank you nees and ade!!! for waiting for me to come home =))) and singing me happy birthday =))) and the cake was yummy!! =)) nees can bake really well =))) [peis sucks at baking, i always always always fail] and my pretty present!! pretty black slippers. =))) or rather slipper. dearest nee and ade, i cant wear them out with only 1 side, =((((( i wonder where's the other side =((( sighsss. hahass. they refuse to give it to me. apparently, it's being shipped to hk so that jacs can keep it for me till she comes back. hahahass. =)))) TRIBERS ROCK! =))

Thursday, September 14, 2006
9:43 PM

hellosss! yesterday was cheryl's birthday. happy birthday, my dear lady!! =))) haha. although our little surprise wasnt that surprising. hahahsss. = and law sch should have more direction signs all around to tell us where the different places are. ade and i got stranded in some weird corner of law sch. hahahas. luckily we saw a guy and he was going to the canteen as well. =)))

anw. got myself a tagboard!! after reading jacs' msg on tribeblog. hahass. alrighty, so pple, do tag. or else my tagboard will be really lonely and sad =( hahaasss.

anndddd! i was supp to mug today! but i went out with amanda instead. =))) hahass. retail therapy is REALLY REALLY GREAT!! hahahass. bought a pretty skirt and 3 pairs of pretty pretty earrings. im sure beeks is gonna call me a shopaholic if she reads this. hahahas. her turn to scold me for spending so much money. = hahasss. but i bought pretty stuff!! =))))) i want more teeshirts. tanks. shoes. earrings. bags. handbags. blah blah blah. still. hahahass. and i wanna shop more!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
7:18 PM

after j's prev episode of falling sick after self baked, self ate cinnamon buns, it's peis' turn. self bought, self ate a packet of hazelnut chocs from nus co-op, and i fell sick =((((( too much chocs give you headaches. heed my advice --> even if you're really bored during a tuesday morning lecture, and the lecturer really stinks and cant speak english in a comprehensible manner, dont eat an entire pack of chocs at one go. it isnt good for you. =(

Monday, September 11, 2006
nus internal shuttle isnt good. 10:41 PM

hahahas. nus internal shuttle isnt good. peishan has no sense of direction whatsoever. hahah and she doesnt know how the a1/a2 crap works and nearly ends up taking the wrong direction for the internal shuttle. HOW SMART! someone teach peishan what's the route for a1,a2,b,c and d. haha. she really doesnt know. hahahsss. luckily i called someone to ask before taking any bus. or else i might have ended up in some ulu pandan area of nus not knowing what to do. hahahass.

met pretty j for shopping in town after that!! =))) we went zara! =))) this collection isnt that nice. at least not for the spore climate. it's all trench coats, with furry collars or pretty long sleeve tops. but they're suitable for our dearest j, who's flying off to lse =(((((((( ohhh. and she blew 110bucks in mango!! hahahhass. but she bought a really really pretty knitted sweater and a 3/4 sleeve top that says paris all over. it's so pretty. makes me wanna buy it too!!! =)))) hahhahsss. and we went to mos and sat there for many many many hours. like from 3plus till 5plus? not that many. but it's nice. sitting down playing tictatoe, chopstick, and hangman. peishan sucks at hangman. hahahass. but chilling out and talking was nice. it's been a loooooong time since we sat down and really have a good talk =)))) i'd really nice j. =(((( for all her pretty brownies. and the wonderfullllllllllllllllll shopping times =))))) oh myyyy. j rocksss =)))
and i met beeks after that =))) yaysss. j had to leave earlier =( and beeks!! i conclude that you need to spend money EACH time you go out. hahah i guess you agree with me. haha but you spent relatively less today =))) hahahs. which is GREAT =)) yayyssss. tribers rock. shopping rocks too.
wells. mondays arent supposed to be nice. because there's school and stuff. but tribers made my day!! and the stupid photocopier should say sorry to me and lydia for jamming so many times this morning!! hahahass. im kidding. haha.

Sunday, September 10, 2006
smec 2006 12:37 PM

hahahah. smec 2006 finally ended yesterday!! and i cant believe that i sat thru the entire day 2!! should have came later at like 1plus in the afternoon. the morning talks were totally hmmmm. not that great. hahahahas. but i wld say i learn some stuff from the conference. hahas. i think the conference will benefit us more if we had in during our clinical years. all those stuff sound so alien to us now. but i guess it wld be helpful =))) and the tea reception was GREAT. hahahass. lots of food. i ate countless fruit tarts and the guys eat countless dimsum. hahahs. it was like the best part of the conference. hahass. 4 buffets in a day. HOW GREAT. hahaah =))))
after i came home. i slept for 15whole hours!! or more. haha i slept at about 7-ish and woke up at 10-ish the next day. what a pig. my baby moore and wheaters had a great rest too, i guess. hahaahss. someone shoot me for being so lazy. hahahass.

Friday, September 08, 2006
i'm sure medsoc is good! 12:14 AM

hahahaha. i was talking to kenneth and joining med soc may not be all bad!! hahass. i can try really hard and become medsoc president!! and i will cancel that medical conference that ends at 7pm on a friday night. hahaaha. but maybe that's one of the few nice things i can do as a medsoc pres. haha. okay. this doesnt sound nice. the medsoc pres. pls dont box me. hahahass. medsoc is good, im sure. =))) im serious =)))) hahah.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
... 7:36 PM

argh. self is 101% irritated. someone did something really awful and irritating. no 1. someone kidnapped my phone. no2. that someone hijacked my privacy and read my inbox. no3. that person dared to ask me whoever sms-ed me and about stuff in my phone. no4. you cont asking despite the angry look i had on my face. argh. i am pissed pissed pissed. no5. if you think my edition of langman is too old. dont zap it. you dont have to borrow it from me, zap it and ask me which edition is my langman's and tell me that the newest edition is the 10th edition and it's a little far away from the newest one. i didnt force you to zap my langman's. you wanted to. argh!!! if you're reading this and you think im rude. too bad. im not going to say sorry to you because you're much more rude than i am. ARGH!

Monday, September 04, 2006
falling sick isnt good. 10:53 PM

yayyss. im so happy that monday ended pretty early. met jasumina at it-coop at yih just now. hahah she was buying some laptop case for her ibm. haha. i still maintain my stand that the laptop case doesnt look very nice. hahah. i think she'll box me if she reads this. haha.

lunched with my brother at fish n co after that. he treated!! =))) seldom go out for such lunches with my brother. either he's busy or im busy or mommy's cooking. so it was pretty nice. but we, the 2 evil kids, ate too much at fish and co that we couldnt eat dinner and home. and so i skipped dinner and had a loooong looong looong nap.

but oh nooooo. =x i'm falling sick. half the og is falling sick. according to jasmine, the virus is virulent. hahahahahah. oh no. and stupid pbl. i printed heaps of rubbish that i do not understand at all for pbl. doing it for the sake of having something to present in class tmr. argh!! sighssss.

Sunday, September 03, 2006
=| 3:52 PM

sighsss. was talking to beeks just now. and i realise how much im missing my sn girls, my nj pple and even my students!! hahasss. anything and anyone but moving onto new life in uni. i dont know why also. and. jacs left and jy's leaving too. =

oh my. i wanna go sentosa with tribers and get high again. luge was HIGGGGGGGGGGH.

yayysss. nice nj classmates. haha. it'll be great if everyone stops blackmailing me with the ugly nj values award pictures. oh noooooo. hahahass. but i miss everyone =x
peishan shld start reading her notes and textbooks and stop blogging and looking at old photossssss.

medicine ball 2006. 3:52 PM

yayys. medicine ball 2006's over. it was pretty nice. the food there wasnt really nice though. and the waiters kept clearing the dishes before we could finish them. alright, dnd are photowhoring sessions rather than sit-down-and-eat-your-8course-dinner session. haha. but yayys. i sure enjoyed taking photoooooooooooos. =))) and retro theme is pretty nice!! =)))

and the nicest nicest part was the desert!! the chocs were really yummy. and alicia took a whole place of it. and me and jasmine were like wahh. take so many things arh. then alicia was like. yahlorr. go take lahh. haha. (we actually thought that she took some to share with us). hahhass. but it was yummy. hahahassss. but the sad thing's none of us won any lucky draw prizes ehhh. and shah was saying that she's jinxed because she hasnt won any lucky draws before. hhaha. dont worry, girl. i havent either. hahahahas. so it's okay =)))))
haha. and i kept blowing out pple's candles during dedication night!! hahahas. i blew out jasmine's, kenneth's and tzetong's candles. hahaha. then tzetong went to light his candle again and i blew it out again. for 3 times. hahahahassss.
and then it was afterparty at gotham penthouse. we took really really long to decide whether or not to go there and join the bash. but i got convinced. since i had a free ticket. courtesy of jj, kenneth and tzetong. hahahahas. it was a pretty okay party, but gotham penthouse shld change their aircon really soon. it really really sucks. hahahass. the whole place was so so so so hot. hahass. but it's a little weird to see your friends or pple whom you know somehow or rather get drunk and become wasted and start doing weird stuff on the dancefloor. usually i would glare and just glare. haha. but then again. i guess i wont go clubbing again in near future. dont ask why. i dont know. haha.

twenty, yllsom.
18sept 87

unconditional desires.
java chip. =D
strawberry chocs.
watch the corrs LIVE!!! =D